A note from the Headteacher.

I joined the Whitefield family as Headteacher in January 2010. I still walk in and around the school and marvel at what a fantastic place it is and how wonderful the children are, and after fifteen years I am certain that feeling will never change! 

At Whitefield we have skilled and dedicated staff who work hard to ensure all children achieve their best, both academically and socially. We follow our motto of HEALTHY HEARTS, HEALTHY BODIES, HEALTHY MINDS in everything we do and demonstrate our very best at all times by being READY, RESPECTFUL AND SAFE.

We are the only school in the area to offer forest school activities as part of our ambitious curriculum and all children who started in Reception in September 2024 have dedicated forest school activity time as part of their curriculum.  This will continue for our new Reception children in September 2025.
We are passionate about using the outdoors for our learning at every opportunity and we have enhanced our playtimes significantly by introducing OPAL outdoor play and learning.  Come and visit us to see this is action!  We are currently an ‘OPAL school in training’, working towards our bronze award.

We are an inclusive and diverse school where every child really does matter.  We are proud to help our children develop their individual talents and skills as they grow during their time with us.  We love to learn about each others culture and religions and celebrate festivals together as a school. This year we are working towards our Diversity Award and our inclusion and diversity pupil ambassadors are helping us to achieve this.
We show our commitment to our children’s mental health and wellbeing through our My Happy Mind curriculum - we have acheived our bronze mHm accreditation in summer 2024, and also through our happiness ambassadors and wellbeing staff.  
We pride ourselves on being a community school, in the heart of your community.  We are open for 50 weeks of the year, from 7.30am until 6pm offering wrap around care for families at both ends of the day and during the holidays. 

We understand that choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make and there is only one way to know that Whitefield is the right choice for you and your family and that is by arranging a tour with us so you can see our school in action.  Every day is an open day at Whitefield so call our office on 01772 744449 or email Sarah on admin@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk to arrange a visit.

This year we are hosting an open morning for you to have extended time in Reception and throughout school so you can see your child getting involved in all we have to offer.  This will be on Friday 11th October, between 9 and 11.30am.  Please call the school office to book in.

In the meantime, you can also follow us on Facebook to get a flavour of the things we do at our school: Whitefieldprimaryofficial

We all look forward to meeting you.

Mrs Sarah Foster


