17 – 19 February 2014

Getmessy holiday workshop starts the17 th ,18th and 19th of February.
8.30 am-4.30 pm at Middleforth Primary school, HIll road south , Middleforth, Penwortham.
Just £16 per child per day .
Arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor messy fun! Trips to the park , baking, films, den making and lots , lots more ! Wear old clothes , bring wellies , a coat , a change of clothes, a packed lunch and a scooter or small bike if you want to .
Workshops are mainly for children of primary school age , however depending on the child this may not apply .
100 % positive feedback from all parents and children! They will have so much fun they won't want to leave !!
All our staff are fully trained, experienced teaching/extended services assistants who work at Middleforth school.
So if your child wants lots of fun book a place at getmessy !
Once a place booked , the place must be paid for even if your child does not attend .
To book ring , text or email Shiryn wynter
0790 3522979