11 December 2013

We are only a week away from the end of term - it has gone so fast! We have had the most amazing week in school this week as we have celebrated Christmas in style with our fabulous productions and carol services. Thanks to all of you who have been able to attend, and thank you for all your positive comments. I am sure you will agree, the children have been just wonderful!
Christmas festivities continue next week as we hold our year group parties and have Christmas lunch on Wednesday. And I have been in talks with Santa to see if he can pop in at some point next week to see the children so keep your fingers and toes crossed!
Things to know this week:
We are having a 'wear what you want day' on Friday 20th December to raise money for the Rock FM Cash for Kids Mission - thanks to Tom Rigby in Year 5 for sorting this out! Read more about it on the website link.
The raffle draws for the luxury hampers will take place the day after the year groups final production and winning ticket numbers will be emailed to you, and put on the website next week, so don't throw away any rubbish from your pockets until Friday!
School dates for January are on the calendar on the website, but a summary of up and coming of dates will be added to the website for ease.
An important change of date to note: the Y2 SEAL assembly date has been changed from Friday 17th January to Friday 31st January, time stays the same (2.30pm).
We are also delighted to be welcoming back Mrs Hallsworth in January following her maternity leave.