29 January 2014
We have been threatened with snow for a number of days now, and the Met Office alert email keeps pinging in to my inbox saying to be aware of snow, then wind, then ice.....so a reminder that if the snow does come to Penwortham to check out the school website for information relating to school closures. If we are having to close, this will be posted on the school website as soon as possible and we will inform the local radio stations. The last time this happened in 2010, we had a great team of parents armed with shovels and snow ploughs (!) who came to dig pathways in and out of school so we may be asking for you again if the time comes! Click here to visit announcements.
I am really excited about the news coming from the Friends of Whitefield this week - the announcement of the first ever Friends of Whitefield May Ball! Look out for the information and the ticket booking process coming out today. It is on Friday 16th May at Shaw Hill Hotel Golf and Country Club. We haven't had an adult event for a long time (not since our infamous 'quiz and curry nights') so I hope you will be able to join us.
The Friends of Whitefield have some great prizes lined up for the raffle at the May Ball, however if anyone has a raffle prize that they could offer for this event, please let us know via bursar@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk or by speaking to the office.
Other news:
Year 6 parents - look out for a paper copy of the Saturday School letter coming home today.
Year 2 parents - don't forget the Year 2 SEAL assembly tomorrow (Friday 31st) at 2.30pm and then in to class afterwards.
BOLA families - look out for the pictures coming on the website showing some of the Chinese new year activities the children have been doing at BOLA this week! Click here