27 February 2014
Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a great week - the weather wasn't too bad was it? I think I saw sunshine at one point and the bedroom water feature seems to have dried up so there must have been some weather improvement! We spent the week enjoying numerous birthday events for Milly: tea at Grandma's, lunch with the cousins, a cinema trip to see Tinkerbell with her friends and a trip in to town via the Build a Bear Workshop, where we welcomed Elizabeth the Rabbit to the family. I also managed to get some time to watch the Winter Olympics which I thoroughly enjoyed. Am thinking of taking up snowboarding...
We had a Friends of Whitefield meeting on Wednesday (formally PTFA). It was great to catch up and review the successes of the community cinema and the discos. We have sorted the dates until the end of term which are listed below. One to note is a change of date for the summer fair, which is now a week later due to clashing with the scout weekender (is now Friday 18th July). More information coming out next week.
We also discussed at this meeting the Penwortham Gala. We thought the walking party last year was really good (and we did win!), and are hoping to do something similar this year including a focal vehicle like the boat. I have put in a date to meet to brainstorn ideas and start planning the plan, so if you can make it on Wednesday 19th March at 9am that would be great. If you can't but have ideas or can help out in any way pease get in touch and let us know. How do we beat the boat last year? A fire engine? Ms Clough's motorbikes?
Strike day reminder - a reminder that the proposed teacher strike action will take place on Wednesday 26th March and if it does go ahead, school will be closed.
As a result of this, we have rejigged the parents evenings so pease note the change of date. An appointment letter will be coming out next week. Dates are Thursday 27th March, 5-7pm and Wednesday 2nd April, 3.30-5.30pm.
The school council are currently sorting plans for Sports Relief - we will let you know as soon as plans are in place!
Y6 parents - you will all be awaiting the high school allocation offer this week. If you applied on line, you will be able to view your high school allocated place on the evening of Friday 29th February (tomorrow!). If you applied via post, a letter will be sent to you on Friday 29th February by 2nd class post. All applicants will receive an offer letter. If you have not received an offer by next Friday, please contact us in school and we will advise you of your next steps.
Penwortham Priory Academy have been in touch. They are preparing the Year 10 pupils for their work experience and are wanting volunteers to support them through mock interviews, where the pupils will learn interview techniques. They welcome interviewers from all walks of life and career paths. If you are able to help on Thursday 27th March between 9am and 12.15pm please contact Mrs Terri Hover at t.hover@priory.lancs.sch.uk or call PPA on 01772 320250.
Dates for your diary
Friends of Whitefield dates:
Wednesday 19th March, 9am - Gala planning meeting
Thursday 3rd April, 6.30 (R-Y2); 7.30 (Y3-6) - DISCO
Friday 16th May, evening event, adults only - FoW May Ball at Shaw Hill Golf Club
Other dates to note:
Tuesday 4th March, 3.30pm - Police and Crime Commissioner in school for a community meeting, all welcome
w/b Monday 17th March - science week (visitors from our local high schools throughout the week)
Friday 21st March - Sports Relief, more info to follow
Thursday 27th March, 5-7pm - parents evening
Friday 28th March, 2.30pm - Y6 SEAL assembly, parents welcome
Wednesday 2nd April, 3.30-5.30pm - parents evening
Saturday 26th April and Saturday 10th May - Y6 Saturday School (further details out soon)
w/b Monday 12th May - Y6 SATs week
Friday 16th May, 2.30pm - Y1 SEAL assembly