28 March 2014
Greetings from Ms Clough again.
It hardly seems believable but we’re already nearly at the end of another term. I just don’t know where all the time goes! We break up a week on Friday on the 4th April and I’m looking forward to spending some time pottering about at home.
Sports Relief went really well on Friday, with children making an effort to look as sporty as possible. We raised £354.00 so a big ‘well done’ to everyone who took part. Check out the photos and further information about the day in the Children’s area on the website.
Those of you who come into school via the top gate will have noticed the appearance of a large wooden structure – the work on the Enchanted Garden has begun!
Still keeping with the outdoors, this week staff spent Wednesday after school getting stuck into the allotments, clearing weeds and digging ground over. We’re holding another ‘Big Dig’ on Tuesday 1st April from 2 – 3.30pm and you should soon be receiving your very own personal invitation from your child. It would be wonderful to see as many of you there as possible.
Our football team were victorious this week in their games against two local schools and are currently waiting to see if they have come top of the league. I’m very proud of them for playing their best and working hard to improve their skills.
Finally, our Spring term disco is on Thursday 3rd April – a chance for all your children to dress up and boogie the night away.