24 April 2014
It was great to be back on Tuesday, I hope everyone had a lovely break. Thank you to everyone for their kind words on my return, it has been lovely to see you all again and I have missed the children so much!
I was delighted to see Ms Clough's news and particularly her linked picture for her news - for those newer to school, you may not know but Ms Clough is the coolest old person I know. She has a rather marvellous motorbike and when the weather heats up a bit more you will see her riding in to school in her leathers. I think though, we will need the characature man to do her a portrait at the summer fair so she can have this as her picture!
There have been some great achievements over the last half term, with some fantastic football wins and maths competition wins (was so proud to read this news!) and yesterday we received news that the netball team have won their league this year and go on to the next stage of the Lancashire competition. Well done girls! I am very proud.
We have also had the works completed on the Enchanted Garden in the Reception outdoor area. I was amazed at how the area looks and think the work really does reflect the plans we came up with. The Reception staff are now working to enhance the area with further resources prior to our official open day, the date will be announced as soon as possible, but please feel free to have a look: it is behind the Oak Building, or check out the photos here.
It was mentioned prior to the Easter holidays that some children have brought chocolate bars in to school for their morning snack. Whitefield is a 'healthy school' and morning snack must consist of fruit or a healthy snack option. After my shop at a well known supermarket this week, I was shocked to pay £2.50 for a bunch of grapes and over 40p for an apple, but the bananas were one pound for a bunch of 6, so it is bananas in the Foster house at the moment (literally as well I think!). Many thanks for your support with this.
Year group newsletters will be out next Thursday so please ensure you receive yours. It will contain all you need to know about the work your child will be doing in class over the next term. It is a short half term with two 4-day weeks within that so there seems to be a lot to cram in!
Some important dates for your diary in the coming half term and beyond below:
Y6 SATurday School - Saturday 26th April and Saturday 10th May
Gala planning meeting - Monday 28th April, 6pm, all welcome
Friends of Whitefield meeting - Tuesday 29th April, 6pm, all welcome
MAY DAY - Monday 5th May, school closed
NEW DATE YEAR 6 PARENTS: SATS and Whitehough meeting - Tuesday 6th May, 5pm
Y6 SATs week - w/b Monday 12th May (see Y6 newsletter for more details)
Y2 SATs week - w/b Monday 12th May (see Y2 newsletter for more details)
Y1 SEAL assembly - Friday 16th May, 2.30pm, all parents and friends of Y1 children welcome
New Reception 2014 intake induction meeting - Wednesday 21st May, 5pm
European Elections - school open but used as polling station - Thursday 22 May
Close for half term - Friday 23rd May (reminder: we are closed for TWO weeks)
Back to school - Monday 9th June
Y6 Whitehough residential - w/b Monday 9th June
Penwortham Gala - Saturday 14th June
R and KS1 Sports Day, Tuesday 17th June, 2pm (reserve date due to bad weather Tuesday 24th June)
KS2 Sports Day (Yrs 3-6), Wednesday 18th June, 2pm (reserve date due to bad weather Wednesday 25th June)
Wear What You Want Day for FoW Summer Fair - Friday 27th June
Reception SEAL assembly - Friday 11th July, 2.30pm, all parents and friends of R children welcome
FoW Summer Fair - Friday 18th July, 6-9pm