18 June 2014
What a fantastic week we have had in school!
It was lovely to greet the tired but happy faces from the Whitehough bus on Friday afternoon. I know some of them had busy plans for that weekend so hopefully a quieter one for you all this weekend! All the children were brilliant and am sure had many stories to tell, including doing the Leap of Faith and abseiling down rock faces. Thanks to all the staff who attended too - we cannot do these residentials without them. Mr Walker, our Chair of Governors has been attended for many years and gives up one of his work holiday weeks to attend (that's why you are Chair of the Year Mr Walker!).
We managed sports day without rain and the need to rearrange! That is a first in a number of years. They were both fantastic events, and I was really pleased to see so many parents, families and friends attend. The children were all amazing and my throat is sore from cheering and laughing so much!
I must give thanks to all the staff who have been practising and getting everything ready for the two events. Thanks to Miss Huxtable and her team too! Photos are available on the website.
We followed KS1 sports day with our WRIST Celebration of Friendship event at the Guild Hall. This is an annual event where schools from our South Ribble cluster get together for an evening of singing, dancing and drama. We were rehearsing all afternoon, then went for a 3 course meal to Tiggi's which was brilliant, and returned to the Guild to perform a fantastic country and western themed production. The Whitefield children were just brilliant, so talented and so well-behaved (as always!) and I was really proud of them all. Thanks to Mrs Smith, Mrs Bearton, Charlotte Smith, Lorraine Norcross and Gillian Bevan (we couldn't have done it without you all!) We had a great day and evening and look forward to the next one!
After the KS2 sports day on Wednesday, our netball team went to Leyland Netball Centre for the South Ribble netball finals. The matches were really tough but we perservered and kept fighting! Unfortunately we didn't win, but I am so proud of the team. Thanks must go to all the children who have represented school so well at all the netball fixtures, and to Miss Nuttall, Miss Ashcroft and our super-netballing Mum, Mrs Purvis!
Our new Reception chidlren for September had their first stay and play sessions this week. We are always so amazed at how well they come in to the sessions and we are excited to see them grow, learn and develop over the next 12 months.
We have some staffing news as we move towards summer. Mrs Briggs is back with us on Monday! Welcome back. That has flown by hasn't it?
And we say goodbye to two of our teaching staff:
Mr Phillips is leaving us to explore pastures new. Who will be our sports day 'man on the mic'? Who will compliment us on our clothing choices? Who will tell rubbish jokes every day? But at least we won't have to hear about Manchester City all the time....We will miss you Mr P!!
Mrs Bushell is retiring this summer (early retirement I must add!). Mrs Bushell has worked at Whitefield for many years and I know those of you who have been lucky to have children in her classes will know what a loss she is to our school. But we will still see her during the week, as she'll be in to do a teeny bit of teaching for us (you can't get rid of us that easy Mrs Bushell!).
The interview process for new teachers will be taking place next week and I'll let you know who will be joining us as soon as I can.
Enjoy the weekend everyone. It's going to be a hot one!