2 July 2014
We are in full summer fair preparation at the moment and are excited about the biggest family event in our calendar on Friday 18th July, 6pm to 9pm. We really need volunteers to help us out on the night and with setting up thoughout the day so if you can, please let us know at the school office or catch me on the playground.
I know baking is probably not on the agenda during this sunshine, but we are pleased to have our cake stall back this year so welcome any homemade goodies to sell! You have plenty of time for a couple of practice runs before the day!! And myself and the ladies in the office will be willing to try out any attempts.....
I have official confirmation too that the beer tent will be fully supplied for the evening with additional lager and wine purchases already made.
As well as the excitement of the fair, we have many other things going on in school. Year 6 enter their last three weeks of Whitefield life and there are a number of events and activities taking place in the last week of term - Y6 parents, please look out for the letter today containing all the information you need to know.
On Friday 11th July, Reception will be doing their SEAL assembly on Changes. I hope to see you all there - bring your tissues, it's a corker!
We were very lucky on Tuesday to have a special visitor in school to deliver our assembly. Anni Poole came to talk to the children about the school in Africa she is supporting and the children and staff were inspired by the pictures she showed and stories she told. More information and posters will be posted on the website soon. In the mean time, we have decided to have one last Wear What You Want Day on Friday 18th July to raise money for Becky School in Liberia. £200 pays for a teacher for the year. We can help them fix the holes in their roof and provide paper and pencils for the children to write with.
Staffing news - we had a great week last week and were able to appoint two new teachers to our school. Miss McNaughton and Mr Huntington will be joining us in September and we hope to see them both before the end of this school year.
Industrial Action - the school will be closed on THURSDAY 10TH JULY due to Industrial Action by public sector and teaching unions.
The children will find out their teacher for next year on Friday 11th July; they will have half an hour with their new class teacher and will see them on two more occasions in the following week.