18 September 2014
Wow! We have hit the ground running in school! There has been some fabulous learning going on and I have enjoyed being in classes seeing the start of the new topics. All our Reception children are now in school and settling in well; it's like they have been here for ages. Year 6 have been applying for the Head Boy and Head Girl positions this week, as well as doing their Bikeability training. And there was a really yummy chocolate cake in Year 3 last week that I managed to sniff out.....
I have been really pleased with how the catering team and our school lunchtime welfare staff have managed lunchtimes since we have returned. Some of you will know that all the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are now entitled to a school meal free of charge. Last week we did very close to 1200 school meals! Paula and her staff are continuing to offer two hot options, plus jacket potatoes with cheese, beans or tuna (or all three!) as well as a choice of three sandwich fillings for a packed lunch option and our lunchtimes have run with military precision. This is in addition to the lunches provided for Years 3-6. I hope your children are enjoying the meals - from the clean plates it seems that they are!
It may seem like we have just started the school year but I have been in contact with our feeder high schools regarding their up and coming open evenings/days. These are open to any children in Years 5 and 6. Year 6 applications for high school must be returned to the local authority by 31st October. A meeting for parents has been arranged for Wednesday 1st October to discuss transition, residential visit for 2015 and SATs.
Penwortham Priory Academy - Thursday 25th September, 4.30 - 9.00. Headteacher speech at 4.30 and 7.00.
Hutton Church of England Grammar School - Tuesday 30th September, 5.30 - 8.30
Penwortham Girls' High School - Thursday 2nd October, 6.30. Headteacher speech at 6.45 and 7.30.
All Hallows Catholic High School - Thursday 9th October, 6.00 - 8.30
I hope you all received the email on Wednesday regarding the free workshop at Barclays Bank Fishergate Branch. The event is free and open to children aged 7-11. It is a Coderdojo Workshop (I have googled it - it looks good!) and is being held on three Saturdays - 11th October, 15th Novermber and 6th December, all 2-4pm. Call Katie to book your place on 07468712287.
Don't forget Friends of Whitefield AGM is on Tuesday 23rd Sept 6pm meeting in the Brown Hare.
It's birthday weekend in the Foster household this weekend. I will be 21 again! A teeny white lie, but I take solace in knowing I am younger than the other staff member who shares the same birthday as me - Ms Clough!