2 October 2014

Image of Mrs Foster's News

I had to defrost my car yesterday morning!  I love this time of year when we get the winter woolies out but remember to send the children with coats as we play out in all weather, as Mrs Walker found out in the downpour on Wednesday!


I have been inundated with complaints and concerns about the traffic and particularly the parking outside school since we have come back. It disappoints me so much that a tiny minority of our parents and grandparents would put any of our children at risk due to inconsiderate driving or unsafe parking.  I reiterate, but much stonger today, what I wrote in my letter in the last school year - are we going to wait for one of our children to be seriously injured or even die before we take action?  I have been sent photos of the cars that are parking or driving in such a way that our children are at risk and I urge you to send me any other concerns so that I can take our portfolio of evidence and incidents to the police and the town council.  You can log your concern via the school website or send an email to bursar@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk. Remember to put a subject heading, Mrs Martin won't open suspiciously looking emails!  I have spoken with some parents last week about us attending the next town council meeting to voice our concerns (again), and as soon as I find out a date I will let you know.  


On a lighter note, I was delighted to hear about the successes of boys' football team in their first matches of the season.  They won all three matches!  As of going to press, results are not known as the information has been given to me this evening via a very excited text message from Miss Nuttall, but she said they all played brilliantly and she was so proud of them all, as am I.  Huge thanks to Mr Huntington who has sent a fantastic team out to represent Whitefield - the word on the primary football league 'street' is Whitefield are the ones to beat....


Don't forget to get your tickets for the Friends of Whitefield quiz and curry night being held on Thursday 16 October. The staff in school have been putting their teams together and from what I have heard in the staffroom, watching 'Pointless' and 'The Chase' seems to have been the assessment criteria for forming teams! It's going to be a great night and the FoW team look forward to seeing you there.


I have been asked to publicise a reunion event being held at Penwortham Girls for all ex-PGHS from the class of 1990  With a bit of make-up and photo shopping, I could maybe gatecrash?   But if this is you, the reunion is being held on Saturday 25 October at Ingol Golf Club from 7pm to 1am. Please contact Donna Pickover at donna.pickover@talktalk.net for more information!


Cyclists - please remember our scheme is 'Accompanied Cycling to School'.  Please use the Chestnut Avenue entrance and exit, helmets should be worn and you can rent a locker from the office to keep your child's helmet safe while they are in school.  If you are unfamilar with our guidance please viist the page on our website.
