16 October 2014
Well, it’s been yet another busy week and I can’t believe we’re just over a week away from half term already. Time really does fly!
News from Whitefield is coming from me this week as Mrs Foster is far far away. In Sweden! She is taking part in a very exciting opportunity after being approached by the local authority to join a group of Lancashire headteachers and advisors on a mission to Sweden to visit schools and experience, first hand, their education system. I know she’ll tell you all about it on her return.
Once again, our football team is celebrating winning all three of their matches last Thursday, this time scoring even more goals against the opposition. I am very proud of our Whitefield team as they go from strength to strength ably led and managed by Mr Huntington.
Our open morning for prospective parents on Saturday was a great success with over 30 families coming to see what we have to offer. Many of these are returning over the next few days to see the Reception classes in session.
This year our School Council have chosen two charities to support. The first is the Penwortham Food Bank as it is a local charity. The second is the Handicapped Children’s Pilgrimage Trust (HCPT) This is a national charity which takes handicapped children to Lourdes. Miss Ashcroft’s sister heads up one of the North West groups and this year Miss Ashcroft is travelling on one of the pilgrimages over the Easter break.
In order to raise money for these charities the School Council are holding a Wear What You Want Day on Friday 24th October. As on previous occasions, children can bring a £1.00 donation and wear their own clothes.
Last night I went to Priory to watch our choir performing with the One Voice gospel choir. They were absolutely brilliant, especially seeing as they had only learnt the songs that morning! A great big well done to them all.
Don’t forget that tomorrow is our first SEAL assembly of the year. Y4 and 5 will be performing for parents and grandparents at 2.30pm with activities in class afterwards.
Finally I’d like to welcome Katie Mitchell and Andy Pegg to Whitefield’s governing body as our newly elected parent governors.
I’m off to the Quiz and Curry tonight so, if you’re going, I look forward to seeing you there. I don’t think I’m allowed to join a team though as Mrs Martin has already tested out some of her picture rounds on me!