6 November 2014
Welcome back! I hope you all managed some relaxation over the half term. Mine was full of runny noses, man flu and coughing but I cleaned out all those cupboards full of flour and spices which was very therapeutic and rewarding. It reminded me though that I need to bake and cook more as most were out of date!
Lots of news and reminders and new information in this newsletter:
On the Thursday before we finished for half term, I went with a group of Year 6 children to Penwortham Girls High School for their annual maths challenge. George, Michael, Amy, Olivia, Fatima and Aaron did a brilliant job - to watch them working as a team and using each others skills to tackle problems and calculations was great for us all to see. AND THEY WON! They each got a scientific calculator and were given a huge trophy for school. As a result, I have purchased a trophy cabinet as we are on a winning steak in so many areas of the curriculum at the moment! Well done everyone, and thanks to Miss Nuttall for all your hard work too and thanks to the parents who came to the event. We all had a great time.
Some of you may have heard a rumour about a mysterious egg and strange lights that have been found and seen at our school. Year 4 and 5 have been investigating and will be reporting on their findings very soon via their blog page....
There is some amazing work going on in our classes at the moment. As well as our Y4 and 5 detectives, we have been using our senses in Y2 to write autumn poems, a group of boys have been working with Mrs Smith and Mrs Harvey to produce a new welcome sign for our school (all will be revealed soon!), Reception are all learning their letters and perfecting their handwriting, Y1 have been learning about toys they have now and those from the 'olden days' (and I dont mean the 1980s), Year 6 has been street dancing (I have been trying to join i)n and Year 3 have gone all 'ooo la la' with their French topic.
As part of Y3's French work, they all wrote letters to Paula our cook to ask if she would put on a French cuisine meal for the children in school. Paula has been amazing and prepared a meal of ratatouille, chicken chasseur with crepes (pancakes) for pudding. Unfortunately, she drew the line at frogs legs and snails in garlic.This menu will be available to all children in school on Thursday 13th November - next week! I know it is short notice but if any packed lunch children would like to sample some of Paula's French cuisine, they can do so by sending in lunch payment via the usual channels.
As well as a French style lunch, all children in school can purchase French snacks on the same day from the Y4 window for around 20p. Snacks will include brioche, baguette and other delights. More information will be given out to the children next week.
You may see some new staff around school, or hear your children talking about them. As Ms Clough is now doing her Associate Head work in St Annes we have asked some of our brilliant supply teachers to do a bit more work for us in classes. Mrs Willers class and Miss King's class will work with Mrs Iddon once a week, Miss McNaughton's class will work with Mr Cannon once a week and Mr Huntington's class will work with Mrs Taylor. All these teachers have been working with us in school in the last 12 months and I know they will be a great addition to our school.
Today, you should all have received a letter about parents evening asking you to book your day and an early or late slot. Please return to the class teacher of the oldest child asap.
Our Christmas newsletter will be coming out very soon. It seems to get bigger and bigger every year! There is lots going on in the next 6 weeks.
Some dates in the next couple of weeks:
Monday 10th November, all week is our Book Fair. The children will be going to have a look at this year's selection on Friday and the fair will be open after school every day next week. We also have a wish list for each class, where parents and families can purchase a book for the class. We are always grateful for your support during book week and look forward to seeing you next week.
Tuesday 11th November is our Friends of Whitefield Community Cinema day. The film starts at 4pm and children can come in from 3.30 through the Main entrance to the hall. If anyone can help out with the organisation at the beginning of the film (3.30-4.00) or setting up from 2.30pm please come along; we would welcome any extra pairs of hands.
I must express HUGE thanks to all of you, and the Friends of Whitefield team as we are able to purchase new resources to enhance our children's learning in school through the money that has been raised over the last 12 months. We are purchasing football nets for both playgrounds, 14 more ipads, some benches for the playgrounds so the children can work outside (and the parents have somewhere to sit when they are waiting for the children!) as well as our usual annual items like the discos, Y6 leavers hoodies and sports day refreshments. We are all so grateful for your continued support and we will show you over the coming months how your support impacts on your children's learning in the classroom.
Friday 14th November is Children in Need Day. We are usually very low key on these days, always raising money but having spotty socks or spotty clothing. This year, however, the school council have decided on a pyjama day with the theme 'Get out of bed, leave your head', meaning pyjamas, onesies, slippers and bed head....I can't think of anything better than a day in school in my slippers with my slanket!
Please note - there was an error in my dates in the last newsletter! Christmas lunch in school in on 11th December, NOT 11th November!