12 March 2015
There has been some great work going on in school in the last couple of weeks and even more to come before the end of term.
Fantastic news from one of our sports team - the tag rugby team came home with the winning trophy on Thursday after successfully winning every game in the local cluster competition at Hutton. Well done everyone! I am so proud of you all! Look out for the photo on the website.
And hot off the press, news just in! Our Y5 maths team retained the 24Maths trophy for the 2nd year running. They competed against other local schools at Penwortham Girls' High School and came back triumphant, even winning the inidividual gold, silver and bronze medals. Well done to all four of you - amazing work!!! I am ridiculously proud!
Mad Science came in yesterday to do an assembly for the whole school to launch our science week which starts from Monday. There were lots of whizzes and bangs and some fabulous, exciting science going on. Thanks to Miss Woodworth for sorting out a great assembly and some exciting visitors for next week.
Don't forget:
You should all have received your parents evening letter last week and should have sent back your slip for an appointment time. Appointment times were sent out Wednesday so check your child's bag. If you can't make that appointment time, or if you feel you need longer to discuss your child's progress, please get in touch with your teacher to arrange an alternative day and time.
Year 6 parents and family are invited to the final Year 6 SEAL assembly on Friday 20th March, 2.30pm. I look forward to seeing you all there.
And if you are struggling for something to do in the Easter holidays, the Getmessy art and craft workshops are being held at Middleforth Primary School. Further details have been emailed to you all.