13 May 2015
A few updates this week:
Well done to all our Year 6 children who completed their SATs this week, with the final ones today. They were all amazing and we even managed some fun and laughter throughout the process. We are all very proud of you and are now looking forward to the final term at Whitefield with you all.
A HUGE PLEA - please can I ask that if there are any changes to the picking up of your children at the end of the school day or you will be late to collect them, that you let us know this as soon as possible. We understand that the traffic can be a nightmare at the moment around the bypass area but we must be informed if you are delayed. If the telephone is not answered, please leave a message and this will be picked up by the office before 3.30pm. We have also tightened up our procedures in school and will not be letting children go home with people we are not expecting that day - you must inform us if the normal pick up arrangements have changed. We have had a number of oocasions when friends have come to pick a child up - we will not let the child go with anyone we are not expecting.
A number of children also walk home on their own as the summer term comes to an end - we do expect them to go home and on many occasions a number of them are seen on the park or near Sainsburys straight after school ends. A form will be coming home next week where you can indicate who is picking up your child and when, and if they are walking home and have your permission to go to the park. At this point, I must point out that there have recently been some incidents on the park with older high school children being verbally abusive towards Whitefield children so if your child is there unattended, please advise them on what to do should this happen to them.
Can I also ask parents of children in Year 4, 5 and 6 to come on to the school playground so that we can visualy see the children going to their adult. It is difficult to see when parents are within the trees or on the pavement. Many thanks for your support with this.
On Wednesday 20th May, 5pm, we are holding our Induction evening for our 51 new Reception children and families who will be starting with us in September. I can't wait to see some familiar faces as well as some new ones!
It's the Friends of Whitefield DISCO on Thursday 21st May - Reception and Years 1 and 2 will be dancing from 6.30pm until 7.15pm and then Years 3,4,5 and 6 will be dancing through the evening from 7.30om until 8.15pm.
As always we need additional hands to help serve sweets and drinks. We have new DJs in the form of Rock FM's winning wedding couple, Natasha and John and we are looking forward to a good dance.
Please remember - if your child is walking home at the end of the disco, we MUST receive a note from you before Thursday.
Year 1 parents, friends and families - remember it is the SEAL assembly at 2.30 tomorrow (Friday). Please come and see what your children have been learning this half term!
It's the Reception Garden Party on Thursday 21st May at 2.30pm. Parents, family and friends of Reception children can come and help us in the outdoor area with our planting and maybe even enjoy a drink and a homemade biscuit, cake or both....
Tempest photographers are in on Friday 22nd May to take photos of the Reception children and Year 6 children as well as sports teams and other groups within school. So don't forget to brush your hair and wash your faces that day.
Mrs Allen has already had this news emailed out to you all but I thought I would reiterate her huge thanks to everyone who came and supported the book fair, either by coming and purchasing a book or by helping out behind the counter! School benefits from all the sales made and this year we have received over £1000 in commission which will go towards extending our library book provision so thank you all.
And don't forget we finish for half term next Friday 22nd May at 3.30pm. We are closed for two weeks. Have a lovely half term everyone - we are staying in sunny Blackpool for the fortnight hopefully building steps from the patio doors down to the jungle of a garden. It's only been three years since those doors went in....