19 May 2015

Many thanks to all of you who are supporting our drive to ensure the continued safety of our children when they leave our care. I know we have called a couple of you this week about children walking home, and I thank you for your responses and keeping us informed.
Alongside the newsletter today there will be a form for you to complete showing how your child is getting home after school and who is picking up when. Please complete this and return to school after the half term but remember to update the office of any alterations to this form.
I have been really pleased to see the impact of the parking signs outside school.
I must remind parents however that the entrance to school MUST NOT be used for dropping off or doing 3 point turns. We had a very near miss last week when one of our grandparents was reversing into our driveway and nearly knocked over a child and continued to reverse after the child was pulled clear of the car. The registration of this car has been passed on to the police and I have again contacted the PCSOs to ask for more police presence around our school at pick up times. I know life is busy and we can all be in a rush at times, but the safety of all our children is the most improtant thing for all of us so please do the right thing.
I spoke last week regarding some issues and trouble on the park outside Sainsburys. Please be aware that I have also been contacted by a parent about two men taking photos of a child on the park. This has been reported to the police but please be vigilant and remind your children about the danger of people they do not know. We have found it interesting that some younger children do not really understand what 'stranger danger' means. We are reinforcing this at school using some examples from recent research - what would you do if a man came up to you with a dog lead and a dog ball and asked you to help him find his dog? What if it was a woman?
Many thanks for all you support in these matters.