21 May 2015
Well done to everyone in Year 1 for a fantastic assembly on Friday. One of the parents told me on Monday it was 'just wonderful'! I saw the children rehearsing last week and what a difference in them all. We are all very proud.
A reminder that it is the Friends of Whitefield DISCO tonight:
Reception, Year 1 and 2 are 6.30-7.15pm
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are 7.30-8.15pm.
Please ensure you are prompt in your picking up of the children at the end of their disco. We do expect all children to be picked up by an adult. If there are any changes, please ensure you send a note tonight with your child. We do not hear the school phone so you will be unable to contact us this way.
We had our Reception induction evening last night for our new children coming in September and we were packed out in the hall. It was a lovely evening and there was a great buzz around the room. It was lovely to see our current families with their children as well as many new families to Whitefield. Thanks to everyone who was involved in making it a welcoming and enjoyable evening.
Liz, from the FOMO charity will be in school on Monday 8th June to receive the two blankeets that have been made by the knitting club for Malawi orphans. Well done to everyone who has been in the knitting club with Mrs Kimberley.
Liz has also asked if the children have any old teddy bears that they could donate to the charity. She will pick them up on Monday so if you are not in sunny Spain this coming fortnight, have a clear out of your teddy boxes and see if there are any you can donate!
Year 6 - don't forget it's your residential week in Whitehough the week we come back from the half term! Get lots of sleep and rest!
Have a fabulous half term everyone whatever you choose to do. We are Blackpool bound despite all my attempts to book an all inclusive, sun-filled getaway for Milly and I. I have managed to negotiate with Mr Foster a night in the Lake District...which will be lovely I know!! And I CANNOT wait for Saturday night - Eurovision! Whoo hoo!
Don't forget we are off for two weeks and return to school on Monday 8th June.
Form for how your child is to collected at the end of the school day, please click here to complete and return to the office.