28 June 2015

We are racing towards the end of term, and our biggest social event of the year - our Friends of Whitefield Summer Fair!
Ticket requests went home last week so make sure you return them asap with your food choices.
We still need help to man some of the stalls - this year we are asking you to give just half an hour of your time to run a stall so that you can help us out, and still enjoy the fair. Please contact Katie via the school office or email admin@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk if you can help us.
Please don't all volunteer for the 'Throw a wet sponge at the teacher' stall though! We need help on the sweets, tombolas, face painting....
It's going to be a great evening - we are starting auditions for the Whitefield's Got Talent competition very soon; the WHitefield Rock Choir will be performing in the arena and Tasha and John will be providing the music. We have all the usual stalls, the fairground rides plus some new and exciting stalls and events.
Let's celebrate the end of a fantastic Whitefield year together!