30 June 2015
Phew, I am writing this and I am just too hot! This weather would be lovely if we were on a beach with a glass of pop!! But, not long until the end of term - it is rocking and rolling towards us so fast!
Some dates you need to remember in the last three weeks:
Friday 10th July, 2.30pm - Reception SEAL assembly, all R family and friends welcome
Thursday 16th July - Y6 leavers lunch (KS2 - book a lunch, menu chosen by Y6!)
Thursday 16th July - end of year reports out to parents
Friday 17th July, 6-9pm - FoW Summer Fair (see below for more info)
Monday 20th July - circus skills event for the winning house
Monday 20th July, 6pm - Y6 leavers production (letter to parents out today)
Tuesday 21st July, 6-7.30pm - Year 6 leavers disco (letter to parents out today)
Wednesday 22nd July, 3.30pm - School closes for the summer
This time of year is so busy in school, but we have some fantastic events going on.
The summer fair is all planned, however we still need some more help with stalls - please refer to the email I sent last week. And if anyone can spare some time in the morning of Friday 17th to help us put up gazebos, and then again at 3.30 please let us know via the school office. Your ticket requests went out last week too so get your tickets and food booked! Fingers crossed we have weather like we have at the moment!
It was fantastic to see so many of you at the sports days - I was so pleased we managed to have the good weather in the 2nd week for the junior children. Both events were fantastic, great fun and a lovely atmosphere. I didn't see who won the parent races! Let me know and if you have pictures, even better....email them to us at bursar@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk
There are a number of photo galleries on the website showing events in the last few weeks - please log on www.whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk or via the app (got to app store; search for schudio; find our school at the bottom of the list et voila).
Our Year 3 tennis players played in the local finals on Tuesday last week. They were a credit to our school and although they didn't win, they played brilliantly with excellent sportsmanship.
Also on Tuesday last week, our choir went to the Guild Hall for our annual WRIST celebration of friendship - this is an event of music, dance and singing where 18 schools from our local area come together to celebration our close school links. The event was amazing; our children were just fabulous, performing on such a huge stage to a massive audience. And their behaviour during their 3-course meal at Tiggis was impeccable!
AND ALSO on Tuesday last week (it was such a busy day!), the author Jeremy Strong came to Whitefield as part of his tour. He spoke to the children about his path to becoming an author and inspired the children to write and even become authors in the future! He writes fantastically funny books that are usually about bottoms...!
Year 6 children were all out on Thursday last week at their high schools - they have come back with some funny tales! I can't believe they will be leaving us in less than three weeks. It was SO quiet on Thursday, and the week they were in Whitehough!
But as the Y6 children left us for their high school taster day, we had our new Reception children come and visit us for their first stay and play session. We have offered 60 places for September (for the first time ever in the 6 years I have been here) and it was so lovely to see the siblings of children we already have in school (although it made me feel very old - I remember them all being born!) and to welcome our new families to Whitefield.
Yesterday, all the children met their new class teachers for the first time. The list of which class is moving where is on the website and the photos of our two new teachers, Miss Hallalat and Mr Jackson are also there. The children will meet with their new teacher again before the end of term.