1 October 2015

Hopefully when you click on your email you will see this news directly without having to go through the website searching…
I love technology but sometimes it drives me a bit mad!
We have our Harvest festival on Monday 19th October and I am delighted to welcome Mike Faun from Kings Church back to our school to help us celebrate Harvest.
The children love it when Mike comes in as he brings his guitar and has us up on our feet singing and dancing!
Our Harvest donations will be going to the Preston Women’s Refuge and the Penwortham Food Bank this year.
Please can you send in donations of tins and packets of food for the food bank and/or toiletries for the refuge.
If we all brought in one item we would have over 400 items to deliver!
We also have some amazing produce from our allotments that we are donating to the food bank – Mrs Bushell and her assistant Mrs Jackson have done an amazing job with the children sowing, weeding and growing our crops. It is the best year we have ever had for produce.
Items for Harvest can come in over the next two weeks and we will send a text reminder closer to the date.
Don’t forget the Quiz and Curry night at The Brown Hare next Thursday 8th October. I can’t wait! Have been recording and watching Pointless and The Chase in preparation…
And two dates I missed off the date list last week:
Parents Evening dates in the Spring term 2016 are Wednesday 16th March 3.30-5.30 and Thursday 17th March 5-7.