15 October 2015

Something strange has occurred in the last week…we have started talking about Christmas in our house. As most of you will know I love Christmas and everything about it, and suprisingly it wasn’t Milly but Mr Foster who has organised where we will be over the Christmas period – Christmas Day at our house with my mum (you can’t break that tradition – has to be turkey; don’t be messing with geese and other winged birds), Boxing Day at sister number 1’s house in Kendal with the whole family and then a three day break in Bowness after that. I am getting excited tummy about it all and it’s only 15th October!
Talking of Christmas…the Christmas Newsletter will be published next week in time for half term so you can get all your dates in your diaries. For our new families, it’s an amazing community time where we have nativities, productions, carol services, some amazing events via the Friends of Whitefield as well as the Whitefield Choir Christmas Tour 2015 and details of our proposed trips to the pantomime at the Guild Hall.
The Friends of Whitefield excelled themselves on Thursday night last week with a brilliant quiz and curry night in the Brown Hare. Apologies to those of you who I tried to sell quiz answers to in exchange for Peroni…but from seeing some of you this week I think we all had a great time!
Well done and HUGE thanks to Joanne Shorrock and Amy Holden for some seamless organisation; to Lisa and Jason at the Brown Hare for their always fabulous hospitality and brilliant curry, naan bread and poppadums, and to Tash for sorting the quiz and being a great quizmaster!
Some dates for next week:
It’s our Harvest festival on Monday and the children are excited to welcome back Mike Faun from Kings Church. My room is getting full of harvest products – I am so impressed with everything you are sending in (especially the jaffa cakes which have been taunting me all week). We will have so much to give to the food bank and the refuge this year. Keep on sending in your donations – they will be delivered on Monday afternoon.
And on Thursday next week it is our Friends of Whitefield DISCO:
Reception children, Years 1 and 2 is 6.30pm – 7.15pm
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 is 7.30pm – 8.15pm
Children pay on the door £1.
As the nights are dark, all children MUST be picked up from the disco. No child will be allowed to walk home after the event on their own.
This week we have also sent home flu vaccination information to parents and carers in Year 1 and 2 – please return these forms by Monday 19th October.
And I have had some conversations with staff and parents this week regarding eye tests and regular check ups at the opticians. Attached with my news is a leaflet from an optician called The Spectacle Factory with some really good information on it – one of our parents has used this optician and had a very positive experience with them. Whichever optician you choose to use, if your child hasn’t been for an eye test in a coupe of years it is worth taking them (children get free NHS eye tests every two years). Click here to view the leaflet.
Finally, check your child’s bag next week for the Christmas newsletter and a short list of things going on in school in November (including parents evening).
And finally, finally…coming soon – Whitefield Primary School Official Facebook Page…watch this space…