4 November 2015

Welcome back to everyone and I hope you all had a lovely week!
It was a relaxingly busy one at our house - lots of lunches out and a bit of an autumn clean up in the house.
Santa has been busy helping at the Foster house already - he's sorted the presents and has started wrapping them as I requested: it's such a busy seven weeks coming up that I've had to get him all organised so I can enjoy the festivities! And I took delivery yesterday of my Christmas outfits for this season so that will give you all something to look forward to during Production Week!!
The Christmas Newsletter had a cyber space issue so HUGE apologies for that not going out before half term (although we thought it had!) - it is on the school website and you should have received it by email yesterday. Dates included are productions, choir dates, Friends of Whitefield events and much more so have a read and get the dates in your diary.
Still on the subject of Christmas, as a staff we have decided to donate advent calendars to Penwortham Food Bank this year and so far we have 33! Parents can also donate, and we will collect them on your behalf - just hand them in to the school office. We are seeing if we can make a pile as tall as Miss Nuttall....help us achieve that! (Photo on the website - don't forget we have a website app).
Letters for parents evening have been sent out today - please return your slip as soon as possible. If you can not make either of the dates set aside, please contact your child's teacher who will be happy to arrange an alternative day and time.
It's Book Fair week next week - we look forward to seeing you in school from 3.30pm. The fair will be in the hall. For those new to school, we do have the option for you to purchase a book for your child's class and your child's name is printed in the front of the book. Ask on the night if you are interested in doing this. There are some lovely books this year for all ages.
Some Ms Clough news hot off the press - those of you from Year 2 onwards will know our Deputy Headteacher, Ms Clough very well. She has been away from Whitefield for the last year working as an Associate Headteacher at St Thomas's school in St Annes and since September she has been at Moor Nook in Preston. She has been successful in her application for the permanent Headteacher position at Moor Nook and as she is already working there, she will be continuing to do so and so won't be returning to us. We are trying to arrange a date before Christmastime when Ms Clough can come in to school and we can do a special leaving assembly for her as I know many of the older children know her very well. We send her congratulations and know she will do an amazing job at Moor Nook. At Whitefield, we will be continuing with our current leadership structure of myself and our three Assistant Headteachers - Mrs Willers, Mrs Adams and Miss King so if I am ever not available, you can see one of them.
Some great news at the end of the term to celebrate - four of our Year 5 children went to Penwortham Girls High School to take part in the Maths 24 competition and we WON THE TROPHY for the second consecutive year (and the competition has only been running for two years!). Well done to Elliot, Bethany, Kiera and Scott - you were brilliant! And well done to Scott who got first place in the individual competition.
Thanks to Mr Huntingon, Mrs Adams and Miss Haynes too for putting in the extra sessions with the group. It's lovely to have the trophy on top of the trophy cabinet again! There is a super photo on the website - go and have a look.
We appointed our new Head Boy and Head Girl at the end of the term too - well done to Adam Oakley and to Aimee Campy. Congratulations to all the children who wrote an application letter and delivered their speeches to the whole school. You all did so well and I can't wait to start working with you all this term.
The first decision we have made is about Children in Need Day which is on Friday 13th November - the children have asked if they can do a Bring Your Bear to school day. Obviously we don't mean real bears as that would be a huge health and safety issue and we would have to do a lengthy risk assessment but bears of the soft and cuddly variety would be great. Please don't bring in any antiques that have been in the family for years though as they might be playing out during the day. They can also come in non-uniform so long as they wear something yellow and/or spotty. All we ask is that your child brings in a minimum £1.00 donation for this worth while charity.
We put out a plea this week for anyone who is interested in supporting our lunchtime team - we need a couple of welfare staff to work Monday-Friday, 12.00-1.25: contact the school office if you are interested.
And we are also looking for a teaching assistant to work 9-12.20, 5 mornings a week - the advert is on the Lancashire jobs site and the closing date is Monday 16th November, 9.30am.
It was lovely to see Mr Turner from the Penwortham branch of the Royal British Legion in school with us again on Monday to talk to the children about what life was like for him when he was a child during the war, his memories of his dad returning from the 2nd world war and also reminding us why we sell poppies at this time of year. The children were so respectful whilst listening and Mr Turner expressed his delight at coming to our school as our children are so lovely!
Finally, if you have any children due to start school in September 2016, or if you have friends with children due to start, we are continuing to show families around our school so please call or tell your friends to call us and arrange to come and see us!