29 February 2016

Mrs Foster’s News 29.02.16
A few reminders for this busy half term!
Don’t forget it’s the long Easter weekend this half term so we close on Thursday 24th March and reopen on Tuesday 29th March. Following this, we have our two week break starting after close of school on Friday 8th April.
We are celebrating World Maths day and World Book Day this week too – on Wednesday we are all making Maths Lands which we will show you via our website and Facebook page. On World Book Day we are using our favourite poems as inspiration for our work.
We also have the author, Phil Earle, in school on Wednesday 9th March to talk to the junior children about his life as an author and his books.
It’s parents evening this half term too – you should have received your letter on Thursday last week – Wednesday 16th March and Thursday 17th March. Make sure you get your appointment slip back to school asap.
We also have exciting plans afoot for the Olympics during the summer term. No, not a trip to Rio, but some great events that Mr Huntington is organising. Watch this space!
Other news:
Myself and Julie Garry are meeting with Grasshoppers Nursery next week to further discuss the plans for nursery provision on our school site. Thank you to those who have responded to the Facebook post and expressed thoughts and asked questions. We will take all of these to the meeting. If you are interested in nursery provision (currently this is term time only, school hours only but we will ask if the hours could be extended as requested on facebook), please email Julie at bursar@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk and she will send you an expression of interest form.
Some BOLA news too – we have appointed a new manager to BOLA, Emma Wilson. Emma will be joining the team at the end of March however you may see her in the club on Friday afternoons as she transitions in to her new role. Janet will continue to work in the club as a play worker. BOLA will be coming under school control from September 2016 and we are all excited at the changes.