18 May 2016

Mrs Foster’s News
19th May 2016
Well I was all ready to write about sunshine, flowers and all things summer but am now in my winter woolies and my boots typing this today! Reports say we are on for the hottest summer ever…watch this space.
Some dates and news to be aware of:
The end of half term DISCO is on TUESDAY 24th May (next week) – Reception, Y1 and Y2 are 6.30pm-7.15pm and Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are 7.30pm-8.15pm.
We are delighted that DJ Huntington has found space in his Ibiza schedule to spin the decks for us on the night.
We are still needing some extra hands to help with the sweet stall so please let us know if you can, or just turn up on the night.
The next Friends of Whitefield meeting will be on THURSDAY 26TH MAY at 6pm in school. (Not this Thursday 19th as some of you may previously have heard).
It’s an important meeting as we discuss and finalise plans for the Summer Fair. I have some ideas for some parent games I want to run past the group…please come along and share your thoughts!
Nursery update – we are meeting with Laura from Grasshoppers on Monday 23rd and will receive the information regarding prices per session and confirmed opening times. We will post Monday afternoon on facebook and the website. (Facebook – search for WhitefieldPrimaryOfficial).
Summer holiday clubs at Whitefield – this year we are able to offer a range of summer holiday club provision at Whitefield. I know for many of you this will be extremely welcome! More details will be sent out next week.
Reception parents – it’s the reception Garden Party on Thursday 26th May at 2.30. We look forward to seeing you all there. I will be around as there are always good biscuits on offer!
Don’t forget – we close for May half term on Friday 27th May and are closed for TWO weeks – we re-open on Monday 13th June.
I will send final half term dates home next week.