11 November 2016

Image of Mrs Foster's News

Mrs Foster’s news – 11.11.16

It’s been a busy first week back in school. Lots going on and lots more to come so make sure you read the updates and reminders below!

Firstly, thank you all for your understanding regarding Mrs Kimberley and Miss King.  We send our love to Mrs Kimberley’s husband who is very poorly at the moment and to Miss King who is recovering from her concussion.

The children in 2JK are working with Mr Brown and those in 1VK are with Mrs Cooper.  It’s always difficult for the children when their usual teacher isn’t in – they do grow to love them and find change hard.  Please let me know if your child is struggling so we can put some additional support in for them.


There’s been so much going on in school this week – Mr Turner, from the Royal British Legion was in on Tuesday to talk to the children about Remembrance Day and what life was like for him when he was a boy.  The children love listening to his stories of having to go home from school for lunch and not knowing what a banana was when he first saw one!

Today, we have held our Remembrance assembly and the children were so respectful. We sang our Remembrance song and you can see a video of this on our Facebook page.

On Wednesday, class RLA had their first driving lesson! They learnt about road safety and got to drive in a BMW….RLW are doing this next week.

Thank you to all the Reception parents who were able to come to the phonics session last night. There is a video on the Facebook page to help you remember what was said and also if you were unable to attend.

All these activities have been posted to our Facebook page (whitefieldprimaryofficial), which you can view via the website (www.whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk).


We have advertised for a new member of our lunchtime welfare staff – if you are interested please contact the school office.  We need someone to work Monday to Friday, 12.05-1.20pm.  And you get a free tabard and a free whistle so it’s quite an attractive package really.


Next Friday (18th) is Children in Need Day and so we are continuing our tradition and having a Wear Something Yellow or Spotty Day and bring a pound for CiN.


Next week is BOOK FAIR!  The children have all been to view the books so may well be pestering you for something over the weekend!  We are open from 3.30 every evening for purchases.  We don’t have a card machine so cash please.  Also, if you are able to help out that would be fabulous. Training will be given and you get to wear a Book Fair Sticker.


The dates for the Christmas events were sent out at the beginning of the week via email.  Alongside this newsletter you should also have a handy handbag sized list of the events so you don’t miss anything.


Mrs Morris told me this morning she has seen her first Christmas Tree on Liverpool Road...I wondered if it was the Green household…? Have a lovely weekend everyone.

