8 December 2016

Mrs Foster’s News
Christmas preparation is going so well! I can’t wait for next week when our productions start – there is a real buzz around school at the moment. And I have all my outfits ready. Some new additions to the wardrobe this year…
The children are also working very hard in their lessons too – some great science going on in Year 5 today and Reception were showing off their writing skills too.
Thank you to the Friends of Whitefield team for all your hard work for the Secret’s Room event on Friday last week. You did a great job and your organisation was amazing! Families – look out for your chosen presents coming home for under the tree very soon!
We had a beautiful Christingle service at United Reform Church on Sunday. Thank you so much to all the families who attended and well done to the Whitefield choir members – your singing was just beautiful (as was the congregation!). Thanks Mrs Smith and Mrs Willers for sorting everything. I was in such a Christmassy mood afterwards I went home and put our tree and decorations up.
Some reminders:
Don’t forget your tickets when you come to the productions next week!
Monday 12th – Y1 and 2 production, 2pm and 6pm
Tuesday 13th – Reception nativity, 2pm and 6pm
Wednesday 14th – Y5 and 6 carol service at United Reform Church, 2pm and 6pm
And remember your £1’s for your raffle tickets – Mrs Foster’s luxury hampers are being prepared this weekend!!
Year 3 and 4 families – there isn’t a raffle at the service on the 18th but we are sending home a letter today where you too can purchase raffle tickets for your Y3 & 4 luxury hampers. Just return your slip and you money and we will make the draw next Friday.
A reminder that Jubilee Ministries are holding their Christmas Coffee morning on Saturday 17th December from 10am.
And our Year 3 and 4 children will be joining the church on Sunday 18th December at school for their carol service.
The final week of term dates are:
Tuesday 20th December – school Christmas lunch and DVD afternoon treat
Thursday 22nd December – class party day. Children can come in their party clothes all day but make sure you have some good footwear for running about at playtime! Your child will be coming home with a food item to bring to the party.
Witness families – your end of term party is on this day too!
School closes on Friday 23rd December at 3.30pm – remember there is NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUB PROVISION ON THIS DAY!!
Ho Ho Ho!