30 March 2017

Mrs Foster’s News
It doesn’t seem like two minutes ago we were finishing extremely late for the Christmas holidays and now here we are at Easter break!
And in true Whitefield style we have loads going on in the last two days!
We have reached fever pitch in Years 3 and 4 as they prepare for their walk to Priory Academy this afternoon in readiness for their Alice in Wonderland performance tonight. Refreshments will be available before the performance, courtesy of the Friends of Whitefield. Price list below so raid the change jar/pot!
Tea and coffee 50p
Water 50p
Juice cups 20p
Sweet bags 50p
Small sweet bags 10p
Crisps 50p
We haven’t been on the big stage at Priory or PGHS for a couple of years so we are all really looking forward to it. See you all there.
Don’t forget it’s the Jubilee Ministries Coffee Morning tomorrow (Friday) from 9am – Whitefield children need to come in as normal and get their register mark, and then the Y6 children will help you find your child and bring them in to the hall for a coffee and cake! If you are unable to attend, your child will have the option to buy a cake at break time so bring 50p. All proceeds from the coffee morning will be going to our Whitefield charity – Rock FM Cash for Kids.
And, playgroup is on as normal Friday afternoon – see you all at 2pm.
Thank you to all the Friends of Whitefield volunteers who made the disco a great success on Monday! Brilliant Djing from Tash, again, and thank you parents for completing the permission forms beforehand.
Some staffing news:
Mrs Jackson officially retired today! Mrs Jackson has been at Whitefield for 36 years! And we celebrated with a song in our assembly this morning. We will still see Mrs Jackson after the holidays though as she is coming in to work a couple of days for us, in between holidaying, gardening and joining a choir!
On Friday we will be saying goodbye from their school jobs to Miss Wilkinson and Mr Birchall. We wish them lots of luck as they move forward in their careers.
We re-open on Tuesday 18th April at 8.50pm.
Have a great two weeks everyone. It’s sunny Blackpool for the Foster family as Mr F is working all through the holiday so I am most definitely saying my sunshine prayers. I want to put my new BBQ purchase to good use.