7 September 2017

Mrs Foster’s Welcome Back News!
It’s Thursday and it’s been a brilliant start to our new year in school! It has been so lovely to see all the children and all of you too.
We are welcoming 60 new children and their families to Whitefield in our Reception year. WOW! All the children are settling in well and lots of smiles at the end of the day. Reception parents – we are posting photographs on Facebook every day so please check our page whitefieldprimaryofficial.
Year 6 are beyond excited to be buddies to the new Reception children and are in the process of writing them letters.
We are now a school of 398 children! And we have a waiting list for a few of your year groups. We have increased our numbers in the last 7 years by 80 children and this has meant we have had to make a few changes to how our day runs. We have split the break times in the mornings for our Key Stage 2 children (juniors Y3-6); so years 3 and 4 have break time from 10.30-10.45 and Years 5 and 6 have their break time from 10.45-11.00.
The playgrounds are also much fuller at the beginning and end of the day – please can you ensure children with scooters and bikes do not ride them on the school playground but wheel them outside before getting on.
A few updates and reminders as we start the new academic year:
The dates for your diary for the coming term is on Facebook and was sent out to you at the end of the summer term – please ensure you transfer these dates to your diaries/planners.
Don’t forget your meet the teacher dates next week – a post went on Facebook with a reminder of dates.
Please can you ensure your child’s uniform is named. Already we have jumpers that have been lost!
The lost property basket is already full – we’ve relocated items as much as we can, but most of it will be bagged up for charity next Friday so if your child has lost anything in their first 4 days at school, please come and check the basket before the end of next week.
Staff news – Miss Halalat got married to Tariq over the summer and is now Mrs Halalat!
Mr Jackson also got married to Roisin.
Miss King has a new family member, Frazer, a golden retriever puppy!