9 February 2018

Mrs Foster’s News
9th February 2018
Firstly, don’t forget we break up for half term today! We’re back in on Monday 19th February.
I know, I can’t believe it either – another holiday! This one has come round quickly hasn’t it? However, even though it’s been a short half term, it’s been so busy in school. The children have been working really, really hard and this was great to see when the senior leadership team went in to classrooms yesterday. We were looking for ‘good stuff’ and we saw loads of it! Best of all was the fantastic attitudes towards learning. From Reception to Year 6, children and staff were buzzing about their learning.
You will have all received your child’s mid-year report yesterday in the A4 brown envelope. Please remember to bring it to parents evening in March. If there is something you wish to discuss before that date with the class teacher or Mrs Garry, the Attendance Officer, please call the school office to make an appointment.
Dates coming up in the next half term – there’s quite a few new events!
Monday 19th February 2018 |
Reopen |
Monday 19th February 2018 |
Assembly – Chinese New Year |
All children |
Monday 19th February 2018 |
Penwortham Fire Station in to talk to Y2 and Y6 |
Year 2 and Year 6 |
Tuesday 27th February 2018 |
Y1 visit to Judge’s Lodgings Museum, Lancaster |
Year 1 |
Wednesday 28th February 2018 |
Celebration of Friendship – Guild Hall |
Year 5 and choir |
Friday 2nd March 2018 |
WHITEFIELD YEAR OF READING LAUNCH DAY – book swap and dress up! More info to follow but get planning your outfits! |
All children |
Thursday 8th March 2018 |
Mad Science Assemblies! |
All children |
Friday 9th March 2018 |
Possible BRIGHT FOR SIGHT DAY in aid of Galloways – confirmation after half term. |
Monday 12thMarch 2018 |
St Patrick’s Day assembly |
All children |
Tuesday 13th March 2018 |
Parents Evening 1 |
Years Reception - 6 |
Wednesday 14th March 2018 |
Parents Evening 2 |
Years Reception - 5 |
Wednesday 14th March 2018 |
Year 6 visit to see Wicked! At Liverpool |
Year 6 |
Thursday 15th March 2018 |
Parents Evening 2 |
Year 6 |
w/b Monday 19th March 2018 |
Sports Relief Week |
Monday 19th March 2018 |
Jubilee Ministries Coffee Morning 9-10.30 |
All welcome |
Monday 19th March 2018 |
Friends of Whitefield DISCO |
All children |
Wednesday 21st March 2018 |
Y6 residential to Tower Wood Windermere – initial letter sent home 21.07.17 |
Y6 |
Friday 23rd March 2018 |
WWYW for Sports Relief Week – wear something sportie |
All children |
Friday 23rd March 2018 |
Close for Easter holidays |
Monday 9th April 2018 |
Reopen |
And finally, have a lovely half term week. I am hoping for a little bit of sunshine whilst I go out walking with Monty.