9 March 2018

Well, yesterday was unexpected…
I woke in Blackpool to a lovely day and a mobile phone full of missed calls and text messages.
One teacher had to abandon their car on the side of the road, one couldn’t drive up the hill they live on (I have asked them to move house to the top of the hill), one was on the M65 for three hours with no coffee or toileting facilities and the others were skidding all over the A59.
Rather unexpected, however thank you to all of you for being so understanding – I know it was frustrating and I am grateful for all your help, especially those of you who had already dropped your children at BOLA. The ‘Whitefield Massive’ got the message out quickly via texts and Facebook showing how great social media can be.
Kind of back to normal today, but with everyone dressed in their brightest finery for our Bright for Sight Day in aid of Galloways Society for the Blind. I was loving all the unicorn themed clothing – Milly is obsessed with unicorns! I was channelling my inner 80’s girl – Toyah with a bit of Timmy Mallett thrown in for good measure.
We had a brilliant assembly this morning led by the amazing Roya Armstrong who is the Community Fundraiser for Galloways. She talked to the children about what Galloways does, she showed us how difficult tasks we take for granted are when you are blind or partially sighted and she told us what the money we raise today will be used for.
Special thanks go from me and Roya to Freya, Imaani and Millie in Year 6 who have sorted everything out for this day and even made some gifts for the Galloways staff and visitors. And also to our band of Year 3 Cake Bake Salespeople! Noah and Finley who approached me initially to ask if they could do it, and Bobby, Kit, Caitlin and their special guest Alanis form Year 5. Great job everyone. The apple cake was amazing (please don’t grass me up to my Slimming World consultant…).
Photos will be going up on the website and Facebook today.
No final total yet but I’ll post it on Facebook as soon as we’ve counted.
Last Friday was amazing too with our Whitefield World Book Day – we took loads of pictures and I’m in the process of gathering them to post on the website and Facebook. Thank you to everyone who took part in the book swap.
I thoroughly enjoyed the day as my alter-ego Miss Trunchball. I didn’t have to smile all day and could growl at the children as they walked past. Marvellous!
Something that has passed us all by at Whitefield this week is National Pie Week. How on earth did that happen? I’ve pre-populated my diary for next year and spoken to Paula, our cook so she is prepared. Now we just need to solve the debate of ‘when is a pie not a pie?’…Weekend discussion topics for you all there.
Coming up in the next two weeks:
Parents evening next week – you should receive your appointment time today so check your child’s bag.
Year 6 – you’re all off to see WICKED! In Liverpool on Wednesday. That should be amazing.
It’s Science Week in school next week so your children will be experiencing some WOW! Science in their classrooms. We have the science teams coming in to help us from Hutton Grammar and Priory Academy and we’re hoping to rearrange the Mad Science Assembly that we didn’t get to see yesterday.
On Monday, Mrs Garry, Mrs Gregory and myself are going to visit Kingsfold Primary School at lunchtime to experience their new catering team and lunchtime system. It’s a company called Dolce and they are working in a number of local schools at the moment. We’ll let you know what we find out.
The last week of term includes the Friends of Whitefield PTA DISCO on Monday 19th March – flyers have been sent out and posted on the website and Facebook.
Remember you need to complete the form before the disco then turn up in your disco outfits with £1 and some sweet money (50p-£1). Please note: all children must be picked up from the disco AND mobile phones must not be brought by the children to the disco. Any child who does have a phone will have it stored safely until the end of the event.
We are getting lots of volunteers for the discos but always need more so if you are dropping off and are planning to wait until pick up for your child, please volunteer to help in the hall and you get to have a dance at the same time.
Also on Monday 19th March is our Easter Jubilee Ministries Coffee Morning in the school hall. Jubilee Ministries hold their church service in our school hall on Sundays and have done a number of coffee morning and craft events with us over the past couple of years. On Monday, drop your child off as normal, then come in to the hall and we will arrange for your children to join you for a brew and a cake. And the cakes are AMAZING!
Year 6 – it’s your residential on Wednesday 21st March at Tower Wood. It’s going to be sunny, I am sure of it!
And we can’t finish the term without another dress up day – it’s Sport Relief from 17th-23rd March so on Friday 23rd March so we’re going to be dressed in our sporty outfits. I am struggling with the outfit idea for this day….
Apologies for the long news! Have a lovely weekend everyone.