12 April 2018

Welcome back to all of you – I hope you had a great couple of weeks despite the rubbish weather. Costa del Blackpool was delightful sunshine and 4 degrees on one Thursday and rainy pretty much the rest of the fortnight, but it was a lovely, peaceful and restful time.
Quite a lot of reminders and updates in this newsletter and some serious stuff too – it’s a lengthy one so grab yourselves a cuppa before you start to read.
Firstly, thanks to all the staff who went to Tower Wood with Year 6 at the end of the Spring Term. It really was a fantastic experience and the centre was amazing. We are looking at dates for next year for our current Year 5 children and we will be showing them this term all the things Y6 got up to whilst there. Your children were amazing throughout the whole time however we must apologise for their stinkiness on their return to you!
It was a really busy final week – the Jubilee Ministries Coffee Morning was excellent as always, thank you so much to the church for putting on a fabulous event. And our Sports Relief Day on Friday was such fun and raised an amazing £354 for the charity. Thanks to the Year 5 girls and boy (Eva, Imogen, Mya, Ellie, Lois, Mia, Olivia and Connor) who set up the Sports Relief Challenge on the day. It looked like great fun (yes, I observed from afar…).
So far, there are no planned dress up dates in the diary for this half term. But you know how things change by the week!
Talking of the coming weeks, I’ll be reporting the dates for the whole of the summer term very soon and putting a paper copy in your child’s school bag.
Year 6 parents – look out for a letter with all the important Year 6 dates in as your child moves towards the end of their time at Whitefield.
I finally managed to get some police presence outside school at the end of a day during last half term, and what do you know? Everyone drove and parked so sensibly. So next time they come, I’m hiding their car and they won’t be out until 3.30 to see what it is really like outside school at the end of the day.
I am not very hard to miss, but it seems after 9 years at Whitefield, my reflective jacket and purple hair no longer act as a deterrent to those racing to park illegally or unsafely outside school. Someone actually did a 3-point turn around me as I stood in the school entrance last term.
So, now when I am outside school, I will have my camera with me to photograph that tiny minority of parents and grandparents who show no consideration for our children’s safety and I’ll be forwarding photos on a weekly basis to our PCSOs. And likewise, if you experience any incidents please send me the details admin@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk
Let’s take action and not wait for one of our children to be seriously injured or even worse, be killed.
We were informed at the end of March that Lancashire Catering Services who provide our school meals would be increasing their prices for a school dinner from £2.20 to £2.30 from April 2018.
Due to the short notice given, we have decided as a school to delay that increase until September 2018.
School dinner costs will stay at £2.20 until the end of the summer term, however will increase to £2.30 a day from September 2018.
Please ensure your children (any yourselves!) do not ride scooters and bikes through the playgrounds at drop off and pick up times. There are a number of small children, prams and people on phones that we do not want hurting by the amazingly fast speed that some of the children can do on their wheels. Thanks in advance.
A reminder that at break time, children can bring in a healthy snack. Children cannot eat crisps, biscuits or chocolate as part of their snack and will be asked to stop eating their snack should it be one of these options. We have also noticed a number of the ‘breakfast bar’ style snacks in school – please check these very carefully to ensure firstly that they are healthy (they contain so much sugar!), that they do not contain or are coated in chocolate and that they do not contain nuts. We have children in school with severe nut allergies so we are a nut free school. This also includes Nutella or similar spreads at lunchtime in sandwiches.
We would like your views and opinions on the Friends of Whitefield. We want to hear what parents of children at our school think so we can improve things and create a parent teacher association that benefits your child.
All responses to this survey are anonymous.
If you have any further feedback or want to chat about the friends of Whitefield then please email fow@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk