12 November 2018

Mrs Foster’s News
Cup of tea needed for this newsletter. Lots to get through – some reminders and dates to put in the diary!
Firstly, we are very nearly on the run up to the Whitefield Christmas! There is a list of dates coming out to you today and the official Christmas newsletter will be out by the end of next week which contains all your information about events and tickets for productions.
It’s a busy week in school this week. We have started today with the launch of our new playground zones for the juniors (Years 3-6). Every year group has a football day and football will now take place on the field. It has previously always been on the playground and although we try and contain it in a smaller area, it inevitably spreads across the whole yard and takes over. So as of today, when it is their football day, the children can choose to play football on the field. They will get muddy. So you may wish to send in some old trainers (not football boots) and some old trackies.
Those not wanting to partake in football can access the game zones, the outdoor library and the free play areas. Today I watched a brilliant game of human skittles!
Thanks to Mr Birchall and Mrs Adams for organising all of this and delivering the games training to all the staff and pupils.
If your child is in Year 1 or Year 4, they may notice visitors in to school over the next couple of weeks. Whitefield is part of a South Ribble cluster of schools who work together to deliver professional development training for all staff in school. This year we are embarking on a Joint Practice Development Project where we are visiting each other’s schools to look at routines, teaching and learning, assessment and stealing good ideas from each other. We’ll let you know what we have learnt and brought back to Whitefield when we visit St Teresa’s, St Stephen’s, Kingsfold and St Oswalds.
The choir and Mrs Halalat begin their official rehearsals this week for CANW (Child Action North West) performance at the Guild Hall on Wednesday 28th November. This is the second time we have taken part in this event and we are very excited to be part of it again.
Mrs Williams is off to Blackpool on Thursday with our Year 5 school council members to the National Anti-Bullying Conference, along with representatives from ten other schools within our South Ribble cluster. On their return, they will be putting actions in place to update our policies, procedures and learning in school.
We kicked off our ‘e-safety - back to basics’ work last week. Please ask you child what they have been learning about in class each week. There are some really good links on the school website for parents to look at for advice and how to broach certain discussions with your children.
And on Friday this week, it’s CHILDREN IN NEED DAY! I messaged last week with our plans, as decided by the school council. It’s WWYW (Wear What You Want) Day (£1 donation) with a yellow and spotty theme if you can. Miss Nuttall has told me she has her t-shirt from Asda already. I have dug out my ten year old retro Terry Wogan t-shirt for the day.
We are also holding a bake sale so please send in your homemade or shop bought bakes on Friday morning. What else would you rather be doing on a Thursday evening than baking for school! There is also a Whitefield Children In Need Bake Off competition so you may wish to enter your produce in the competition, judged by Mrs Kimberley, and I expect Miss Haynes! Children can bring 20p to purchase a cake on the day.
And…we have Radio Lancashire and the rickshaw riders coming in to see us with Pudsey Bear at around 10am in the morning. All very exciting!
And we may be doing some maths and English too…
Phew a busy week!
A few things to note before I finish:
Thank you to everyone who attended the Friends of Whitefield Disco on Tuesday last week. Another great success. Mr Keogh loved it and said it was the best night out he’d had for ages. A few delays getting in due to the permission slips but we’ve noted your comments and are working to make the system even smoother for next time.
Year 4 still need egg boxes for their Christmas Tree. We’ll be taking it to St Leonards Church on Friday next week for the Christmas Tree Festival.