22 November 2018

Mrs Foster’s News
A few things before the Christmas season gets truly underway!
A message from Mrs Allan following on from our Book Fair last week:
Many thanks to all those who supported the book fair last week. The fair was very successful and school will benefit from many books earned with our commission.
A big thank you to those families who kindly donated books from the wish lists. These books will be presented to classes in assembly.
A special thank you to those people who generously gave up their time to help at the book fair. Without their help, the book fair could not have taken place.
And from all of us, thank you to Mrs Allan who organises our book fairs twice a year and is rather brilliant at sorting us all out in school!
Children in Need update:
Well, what a day it was on Friday! Radio Lancashire, the Radio Lancashire rickshaw team, Pudsey and Mr Keogh, Mr Birchall and Mr Ginty doing the floss!
AND enough cake to sink a ship! You were all so amazing and supportive – what a brilliant community we are.
The grand total raised was….£662.02! (We were able to give £400 to Pudsey on his arrival and the rest of the money was sent to the bank on Friday!)
Never in the 9 years I have been here have we raised this much money for a charity event.
We ARE Reading update from Mrs Smith:
At Whitefield, we spent our We ARE Reading money on trollies and picnic blankets so that we could read outside. Initially, we did this under the Oaktree, in the shade, during the Summer term. It was lovely to see Key Stage Two children reading to children in Foundation and Key Stage One. Now the weather has become colder, we are sitting on benches instead and using the blankets to keep us warm. It means we can still enjoy the books that have been donated for us to read outside.
Our library has been re-organised so that we can see the books from the corridor. They have been grouped in genre order so that we know where to find the books we want to read – which has proved a very popular change because we don’t need to spend as long trying to find a good book! The books are also colour coded, which we thought was a little unusual! However, they look like a rainbow of books and are more inviting and interesting to look at. To top this off, we all have new library card bookmarks so we always have our codes in our books and never lose our page!
St Leonards Christmas Tree Event:
Come down to St Leonards church this weekend and see all the Christmas trees that have been created by schools, playgroups and other groups in the local area.
Whitefield have entered for the first time and we have to thank the amazing Jessica Haslem-Bantoft for all her hard work with the year four children (and teachers!) which has resulted in the most amazing recycled Christmas Tree – it is truly EGGcelent!
Please vote for us!
The timing of this work is perfect as we have been learning about waste this week as our British Values theme.
Lunches – Year 6
Apologies for the current issues with Year 6 lunches and the limited time available for the children to eat. The timing problem has been resolved. Mrs Willers and Mrs Gregory are continuing to work through any other issues that arise and are putting actions in place and working closely with Paula in the kitchen to get back to the smooth routine we have always had.