22 July 2019

Phew, it doesn’t seem like two minutes ago that I was writing the last news of 2018 and here we are again! This year has flown so quickly and I expect there’s a group of you who are thinking the last seven years have flown far too quickly, as you prepare for tonight’s Y6 production and tomorrow’s Y6 leaver’s disco.
A few things to note before the end of the term and in preparation for September 2019.
Firstly, we will be having building work done over the summer holiday with us finally getting an extended Reception office area. The main door is being pushed out to create an internal waiting space and we’ll have a small meeting room to the side, ideal for when you need just a quick chat with a member of staff. Plans are available to view on the school website. We receive money from the government every year for building and premises improvement and we have saved for a few years to be able to do this work. We hope it will all be complete for September! If not, we’ll let you know the office arrangements before we return.
You’ll also notice a new sign outside school on your return. I have finally, after nearly ten years, got my name outside school! We have refocused our school vision and we have been learning more about having HEALTHY HEARTS, HEALTHY BODIES, HEALTHY MINDS and as such a change in signage was needed.
Other new things over the summer:
Miss Woodworth will be getting married over the summer and will return to us as Mrs Nugent. We wish her a wonderful wedding in Greece.
I am also delighted to tell you that Miss Batey has agreed to stay with us at Whitefield and will be here in September. Miss Batey is very sporty and will be delivering PE and sport lessons with a bit of Music thrown in too!
Someone who won’t be here in September is Mrs Halalat who leaves us on Wednesday and flies to her new life teaching in Abu Dhabi. We wish her lots of luck in her new job and her new home.
Miss Ashcroft will be with us in September and will be working in Reception and Year 1 until the baby arrives!
Other things:
Year 6 – you need to be at school for 5.30pm this evening ready for a 6pm start.
Year 6 – DISCO: arrive for 6pm drinks and photos on the red carpet. Disco is on until 7.30pm.
All parents – please return your child’s report acknowledgement slip before Wednesday.
And your child’s books, PE kits, lunchboxes and all sorts of other items found lurking at the back of their trays will be winging their way back to you over the next three days.
Finally, if I don’t see you before Wednesday, have a wonderful summer. The weather looks to be good for the start of our holidays. Unlike most years, I will not be touring in the caravan around Europe this year. We are staying local with a week at a campsite in the Lakes and maybe a pootle here and there in-between. I am looking forward to jigsaws, iced coffees, reading and trying to have a conversation or two with my 12 year old daughter that doesn’t involve eye rolls and huffing.
Thank you to all of you for another fabulous Whitefield year.
Have an amazing time this summer whatever you do.