26 September 2019

Mrs Foster’s News
Firstly, thank you to everyone who has downloaded our school app and for the positive comments we have received about it. Let us know if you have any teething problems and we’ll work to sort them out.
Today you should have received the letter about parents evening on Wednesday 9th October and Thursday 10th October. Get your slips back as soon as possible! Please remember, this is very short catch up with the class teacher. Should you require longer than the allocated five minute slot, please speak to the school office to arrange a separate appointment. Sessions that overrun on parents evening have a huge knock on effect to other families waiting to see the teacher.
I have had a complaint from a resident who was verbally abused by one of our Whitefield parents outside school as the parent had parked across their drive and the resident couldn’t get their car out. Unfortunately, the number plate was not recorded in this instance. Please be respectful towards our local residents. I know we can all be in a rush but be mindful of where you are parking, and just be kind.
I’ve also noticed a number of parents waiting to pick up their children and they are keeping their engines running whilst parked. In the summer term, our amazing parking committee spent a lot of time educating parents of the impact of a running engine on our environment and parents kindly turned off their engines when asked. But we shouldn’t have to be asking. If you are waiting for your children and your car is stationary, legally your engine should be turned off.
I was delighted to receive an email this week from the very proud mum and dad of Oliver Harrison-Scott who is in Year 2. Oliver plays in the local junior football league on a Saturday morning at Penwortham Holme and he has been scouted by Manchester united who I believe are a pretty good football team! His training with Man Utd starts in October. What an achievement Oliver! Whitefield and your family are so proud of you. I can’t wait to see his first picture in his new kit.
What a response from our Whitefield community to our fundraiser for Phoebe. We raised an amazing £1500. Thank you to Jubilee Ministries, the church who hold their Sunday service in our school hall for your extremely kind donation. Mrs Garry has been in close contact with mum and the purchases have started to arrive – your money has bought a beautiful woodland globe fire pit, a water fountain that can be used indoors and outdoors and four sets of disco bath lights that can be used in the bath or the pool.
It was a great afternoon on Saturday. Full of baby sharks (has everyone heard the Christmas version of this song?), dancing, eating and fun. I was so sad to miss it but for the first time in many a year, Mr F treated me to an afternoon tea for my birthday. Looking forward to the FoW DISCOs on Tuesday 12th November.
Have a lovely weekend, whatever you are doing.