14 November 2019

Mrs Foster’s News
Ho Ho Ho from Whitefield! Yes, the Christmas Newsletter will be pinging in to your email inbox, your app and via facebook very soon so look out for it – all the important dates for your diaries in the last 5 weeks of term.
I was so happy on Tuesday as Phoebe came in to school to see me and her friend Esme. As you will recall, Phoebe has been very poorly and hasn’t been in school since we started back in September so it was a joy to see her gorgeous face again! We did some arts and crafts together and had a good giggle winding mum and dad up about getting a rabbit for Christmas…we used more of the money that you raised for Phoebe to buy lots of craft materials and I am hoping we see her soon so she can help me put some Christmas decorations up in my office and around school.
Thanks to the Friends of Whitefield team for two amazing discos on Tuesday night! DJ Tash and DJ John were brilliant as always and the children were so well-behaved and a credit to all of you. Super proud of all the volunteers who worked so hard to make it such a great event. Well done Friends of Whitefield.
The next event from the Friends of Whitefield will be the Secrets Room….details coming soon.
I have been asked a number of times in the last couple of weeks about children wearing boots to school during the cold weather and winter uniform period. I have decided to say yes to these requests however there are a few riders attached to that yes.
- Boots must be plain black.
- Boots must be ankle boots and not knee high, calf high or thigh high.
- Boots must be flat with absolutely no heel.
- Boots must have no glitter, tassly bits or flashy accessories. Save those ones for the weekend.
Some of you send your children in their wellies and they get changed at school – this is brilliant, thank you. If your children come in school shoes, a reminder that they must be robust and fit for purpose. And as always, no trainers to be worn during the school day except for PE.
A reminder to name all your child’s clothing! We return all items to the correct owner on a daily basis and do not have a lost property bin anymore. Items that are not named are disposed of at the end of the week.
Friday 15th November – Children in Need Day – wear something yellow and/or spotty
Saturday 23rd November – St Leonards Christmas Tree Festival (Whitefield are entering again this year with a tree made by children in Y4)