23 March 2021

If your child has a positive coronavirus (Covid-19) test and their symptoms started on Saturday 27th March or Sunday 28th March then follow this procedure:
Email school at covid19@whitefield-pri.lancs.sch.uk.
In this email tell us:
They’ve had a positive result
- Their name and class
- The day their symptoms started (Sat 27th March or Sun 28th March)
- If they were in BOLA on Thurs 25th March or Fri 26th March
Someone from our senior leadership team will check this email each day at 10am until Thursday 1st April and confirm they’ve received your email.
If your child develops symptoms after Sunday 28th March, you do not need to contact school. Instead you need to follow the instructions from NHS Test and Trace.
Please contact school as normal if your child will not be back on Monday 12th April 2021 due to needing to isolate.