13 November 2023
School will be having a Christmas Lunch on Tuesday 19th December 2023 for all the children. If your child would like to join in, the cost of the meal will be £2.50 per child. For those children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 there will be no charge for the meal due to them receiving Universal Free School Meals. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals, again there will be no cost to yourself for the meal.
Kindly let school know your child's preferred lunch option for this day by Friday 1st December by either completing the reply slip on Parentsapp or by speaking with the office.
The menu option will be:
Traditional Roast Turkey
with Vegetarian Sausage
Roast Quorn Fillet
Vegetarian Sausage
served with
Sage & Onion Stuffing
Roast & Mashed Potatoes
Seasonal Vegetables
& Gravy
* * *
Iced Vanilla Sponge
Please note there will be no jacket potato or sandwich options on this day.