18 October 2013

Friendship |
Name |
Class |
Reason |
Like Billington |
For being caring towards his friends |
Layla Howarth |
For helping someone put on their coat |
Fynnley Underwood |
1VK |
For being friendly to Jessica |
Alfie Collison |
1HW |
Helping someone with their work when they were stuck |
Joe Rigby |
2JK |
Good friend to William |
Sanuli Withange |
2JC |
Being helpful at dinner time |
Aimee Cragg |
3HB |
Being kind to Abigail |
Luke Davies |
3/4SAS |
For always being a good friend |
Nathan Higham |
4SP |
Helping Eden with her computer |
Danielle Snape Harrison Mears |
5JA 5JA |
Being a good friend For being a good friend and for being thoughtful |
5AH |
Reece Hodson |
6LN |
For being a good friend to everyone |
Merit |
Name |
Class |
Reason |
Ahermione Clark Courtney Burns |
For being enthusiastic in her learning For taking an interest in new activities and ‘having a go’ |
Rudy Steele Evie Ingham |
For always putting his hand up to answer a question For working hard to sound out words in literacy |
Maddison Lennon Eleanor Lever |
1VK 1VK |
Always being cheerful and happy with a lovely smile Great labelling of the triceratops |
Freya Wilkinson Izack Oldham |
1HW 1HW |
For making a fantastic dinosaur for homework with her dad |
Marley Charlesworth William Scott Jacob Mason |
2JK 2JK 2JK |
Great work in ‘guided reading’ Great work in ‘guided reading’ Great work in ‘guided reading’ |
Lucy Robinson Macy Westwood |
2JC 2JC |
Brilliant seaside picture Great attitude to her work |
Ethan James Bethany Paterson |
3HB 3HB |
Bringing in a French book to help in French lessons Great jumps and balances in gymnastics |
All of the class |
3/4SAS |
For being wonderful! |
Megan Suckling Oliver Campbell |
4SP 4SP |
A brilliant piece of writing using time connectives A great piece of writing including great punctuation |
Jenni Morley |
5JA |
Conquering the computer to complete super work on ‘Mymaths’ |
5AH 5AH |
Sejal Dholakia Joe Cummings |
6LN 6LN |
Always being ready to learn Always taking an active part in class discussions |
Isobel Lewis Ryan Sumner |
6SW 6SW |
Accurate drawing of quadrilaterals Fantastic setting description |