7 November 2013
Welcome back to you all. I hope you have had a lovely week, despite the weather! It was 28 degrees in Spain, which sounds lovely but Mr Foster moaned about it all week – he would prefer to holiday in Iceland I think!
Some things to note for the first few weeks of this half term:
You will notice our new newsletter style format for informing you of the current news on the school website – we hope you like it and are aiming to send one out to you via email every fortnight or so (on Thursdays), depending on how much news there is.
On the right hand side of this, you should find the news you need to be aware of for the next couple of weeks and you can click on the link to take you directly to the news article.
You can also access all the class news and school news through the website at any time.
Important dates (more information on the RHS of this news):
Children in Need – bring a minimum of £1 and wear your slippers and/or jammies for the day on Friday 15th November.
Book Fair – we are promoting reading again this half term (look out for the ‘extreme readers’ in Y6 on the website very soon!) and are delighted to welcome back our Book Fair w/b Monday 11th November, in the school hall at the end of the day.
Friends of Whitefield community cinema event – Tuesday 12th November, 3.30pm
The Big Dig! A community dig to sort the allotments and the Jubilee Gardens from 2.30pm on Wednesday 20th November, bring a spade and some gloves!
Christmas dates are under the events section - More information will be coming out very soon!