11 November 2013

Dear Pupils, Parents and all at Whitefield Primary School,
Hope you’ve all had a lovely half term break. Churches Together and Penwortham food bank would just like to thank you all for your huge support, especially over the Harvest period.
We were delighted to have received just fewer than 4000 items once all the donations from each of the contributing schools were collected. This is a fantastic success and means that together you have provided enough food to feed 100 families of four, living in Penwortham, for up to four days.
As you may well know there has been a recent dramatic increase in the number of people being forced to use food banks and we predict this number will only increase during the run up to Christmas. This is why we greatly value your support and would like to remind you just how much of a huge difference any donation, no matter how small, makes to the food bank and the families we support.
We collect throughout the year and now have food bank collection points located in the Booths store in Penwortham as well as all Churches across Penwortham.
Thank you once again,
From the Churches Together Team