10 January 2014
It was great to see everyone on Monday although there were some tired faces walking in to school, and some tired looking children's faces too! It is always hard getting back in to the daily routines after a holiday however the children have come back and been focused and learning straight away, and also looking very smart indeed.
A few reminders at the start of this year:
Please remember that we communicate the majority of our information electronically and as such we do need up to date email addresses and mobile phone numbers - if you were lucky enough for Santa to bring you a new mobile phone, please ensure the office has the new number.
Most of our communication will still come out on Thursdays, but sometimes we will need to send more urgent correspondance (like the Friends of Whitefield Community Cinema event leaflet which was sent home on Tuesday this week). It is always useful to check the school website regularly to ensure you haven't missed any email or text communciation, as all news and events are listed under 'school life' along the top tab.
Important diary dates this term (with some new ones added so please double check!):
Friends of Whitefield Community Cinema is showing FREE BIRDS on Wednesday 15th January - please get your ticket requests in as soon as possible. If you are able to help at the event, please let us know at the school office. Even if you are free to help organise from 3.00 until about 4pm, that would be great!
Friday 17th January is our Super Hero Day, in support of the Katy Holmes Charity chosen by our school council members to support this year. We will all be dressing up as superheroes and our work during the day will focus on inspirational people and what we define as a superhero. Check out the website for a link to the charity site.
On Wednesday 22nd January, Paula and the kitchen staff are holding a Curry Day Themed Lunch and a Big Breakfast Themed Lunch on Tuesday 11th February - please contact the school office if you wish your child to have a school dinner on that day.
SEAL assemblies (all parents, grandparents and friends welcome):
Year 2 SEAL assembly is on Friday 31st January, 2.30pm
Year 3 and 4 SEAL assembly is on Friday 7th February, 2.30pm
Safer Internet Day is on Wednesday 12th February and throughout the week, and on this day we will be looking at how we use the internet and the safety surrounding it's use. Look out for more details closer to the date!
Friends of Whitefield will be holding a DISCO on Thursday 13th February, more details to follow!
It is a really busy half term with lots going on! Look out for your year group newsletters coming out next Thursday!