9 January 2014
Dear Pupils, Parents and all at Whitefield Primary School,
Churches Together and Penwortham food bank would just like to thank you for your huge support over the Christmas period.
Christmas can put financial strain on many households, but for some it is more of a struggle than others, with many individuals unable to provide even the most basic of meals for their families. Penwortham food bank exists to aid those people who feel they have nowhere else to turn, yet as the number of visitors increases it can be difficult to ensure we have enough food to meet demand. This is why your help is so valuable to us and the people we work with.
In the run up to Christmas we were delighted to have received over 800 items, once all the donations from each of the contributing Penwortham schools were collected. This is another great achievement and means that together you have provided enough food to feed over 80 individuals, living in Penwortham, for up to four days.
We’ve had much success since our launch last year and as we enter another year we look forward to both continuing to raise awareness of the food bank and with your help, supporting even more of the local families who require our services.
Thank you once again,
The Churches Together team