10 January 2014

We have noticed an increase in the number of unaccompanied children on school grounds before 8.50am. Please be aware that all children must be accompanied by an adult before 8.50am when the doors to the school are opened as there is no supervision before this time. The top playground is for children who attend BOLA club only.
At Whitefield we like to promote independence and one of the best ways is to allow your child/ren to be responsible for handing in any letters or dinner cheques to the classteacher on a Monday. Hopefully this will reduce the large queue at the office window in a morning too! Every class has a basket where the children drop in communication for the office, the register monitors then bring the basket and the register to the office, a job they love doing.
The children have a 15 minute playtime in the morning and approximately 40 minutes play at lunchtime. As you know the British weather is very unpredictable and we expect all children to have a coat on a daily basis to keep them warm and dry whilst playing out.
As a healthy school we would not expect children to have sweets in their lunchboxes. Please also ensure that snacks are healthy and nut free. If you require ideas for lunches, please visit the NHS Change for Life website here
Name your belongings - please name all items of clothing. We found a brand new pump on the catering car park on the first day of term, but as it was unnamed we were unable to return it directly to its owner. Our lost property bin is emptied on a weekly basis and on average we have 10 unnamed items going to charity.
We have noticed an increase in the number of unaccompanied children arriving after the start of school, please ensure you bring your child to the main entrance and sign them into school stating the reason for their lateness.