6 May 2014
What is going on with this weather? If I look back over the years of newsletters I have written, it is always about this time that I moan about
the weather and not knowing what footwear to wear! And the prognosis for the weekend is rain, rain and rain. I am sure I read about a two week heat wave coming...
The Friends of Whitefield summer fair is fast approaching. This is one of the best events in our calendar, a great evening out for all the family and
if the weather is like last year it will be fantastic! (Don't worry, we will be stocking up at the beer tent!).
Please make a note of the date - Friday 18th July.
If you are interested in having a stall at the fair, for an extremely good rate, or you have a friend who would be interested, please leave your information at the school office and Katie or one of the FoW team will be in touch!
Year 1 diary date - it is the Year 1 SEAL assembly next Friday, 2.30pm, all Year 1 parents and friends welcome!
Parents of children who will be in Year 1, 2 and Reception in September 2014 - you may be aware from the news that all children in these year groups will be entitled to a school dinner for free from September 2014. Paula and the ladies in the kitchen will be providing a menu with two hot options, as well as a daily option of jacket potatoes and toppings, as well as a sandwich packed lunch option.
This meal is different to those of you who used to have a 'free school meal' entitlement. If you are in receipt of certain benefits, you have previously been entitled to a 'free school meal' and this will continue throughout key stage 2. If you think this does apply to you, please speak to Mrs Martin.
School receives funding for all children who are entitled to the old 'free school meal' system and this helps us in school to support any additional educational needs your child may have. The government called the new initiative 'free school meals' has caused so much confusion for schools and families! Forms will be coming home after half term for you to sign up to, but for more information, please check out our article on the school website.
Year 6 are back in school on Saturday for their final SATUrday school prior to their Sats week which starts on Monday. I know how hard they have all worked, and I am very proud of them all. I am looking forward to Mrs Martin's bacon butties on Saturday morning!
It is one of my favourite weekends of the year this weekend - yes, it is Eurovision! Popcorn, hot chocolate and a four hour music festival! I do
start to watch it a bit later than the schedule though so I can fast forward some of the songs!