18 July 2014

Stars of the Week
18th July 2014
Friendship |
Kayleigh Brocken |
1VK |
Nominated by Freya for teaching her to make loom bands and of giving her special gift. |
1HW |
For Helping Lochlan |
Rohan Dholakia |
2JK |
Good friend to Zidane |
Katie Bearton |
2JC |
For always being a good friend to everyone |
3HB |
Being eager to help with the allotment. |
3/4SAS |
Helping Jacob when he was hurt. |
Paula – School Cook |
4SP |
For being so helpful with her freezer space. |
Niamh James and Fay Carroll |
5JA |
For being true and loyal friends. |
Vincent Monaghan |
6LN |
Nominated by Henry for being a great friend throughout his time at Whitefield. |
Merits |
Whole class |
For a fantastic first year at Whitefield Primary School |
Whole class |
1VK |
Writing great instructions on how to make a loom band bracelet. |
Whole class |
1VK |
For a brilliant year! |
Whole class |
1HW |
For being an awesome class and a pleasure to teach. |
1HW |
For making a brilliant moving model of a ‘Wild Thing’ |
Freya McLaughlin |
2JK |
Great science work on changes. |
Nathan Pegg |
2JK |
Good problem solving in maths |
Whole class |
2JC |
For being an enthusiastic and fun class who has made lots of progress this year. |
2JC |
Working really well with his partner when measuring hands and feet. |
3HB |
Always settling down to work quickly and always giving 100% effort.. |
Aimee Campy |
3/4SAS |
A fantastic Monet paining |
Felicity Allison |
3/4SAS |
Helping all of our visitors this week. |
Whole class |
4SP |
For being a wonderful class all year. |
4SP |
Great work with decimals. |
Rio McAlister and Danielle Snape |
5JA |
Great moving toy. Super cam. |
Whole Class |
6SW |
Having a super 2013-2014!! |
6LN |
Enthusiastic singing every time we practice our leavers play. |
Whole Class |
6LN |
For being great all year. Well done on your fab SAT results. |