23 July 2014
It's the last newsletter of the academic year and what a year it has been. Our children continue to amaze me and I am so proud of every one of them. The last couple of weeks have been particularly busy and brilliant.
It was great to see so many of you at the summer fair on Friday. I looked across the field at one point and was amazed at how many people were there! Thank you so much for supporting us on that evening, as well as at our other Friends of Whitefield events over the last year. I will chuckle my way through the summer holidays at the image of the donkey boys and our 'Dave' trying to fix the beer tent: an image forever imprinted on my brain! Well done to all the Friends of Whitefield team on a fantastic success.
We had our Reception SEAL assembly on 11th July - goodness me, what a difference a year makes! Your children were truly wonderful and it was so lovely to see how they have changed in twelve months.
At the other end of school, we had our Year 6 leavers performance on Monday night. I watched with such pride as they entertained us with a brilliant play (although the Mrs Foster impression was a bit too close for comfort...) and I had tears in my eyes as we gave them their leavers hoodies. It did give me food for thought though...am really tempted to get a goldfish...Last night we had our leavers disco and the children certainly dressed to impress! What an absolutely amazing group of children, We are going to miss them all but we know they will be back knocking on our door within a week of starting high school!
Please check out the website over the summer to see further news articles from the end of term.
I hope you all have something lovely planned for the summer weeks, whether it is sitting in the Penwortham sunshine or swimming in the Spanish sunshine. The Fosters are off in the caravan through France and Germany. I am looking forward to some French vimto and German lemonade! Thank you all another for a wonderful year. Whitefield continues to go from strength to strength.
Have a lovely break, stay safe and see you all on Wednesday 3rd September.