4 September 2014
It was so lovely to see you all on Wednesday morning. I hope you all enjoyed the summer break but I know from talking to many of you over the last couple of days that we are all looking forward to getting back in to the school routines!
A big welcome to all of our new families - we have our new Reception children starting with us from today as well as 15 new children joining us from Year 1 to 6.
I was pleased to see how well presented the children looked yesterday - very smart indeed. I think I even did the classic 'haven't you grown' line at one point so apologies for that! In our assembly yesterday we talked about our uniform and how long hair needs to be tied up (there were some lovely plaits on show yesterday). We also reminded ourselves of our Whitefield Promise and the expectations we all have in and around school in terms of attitude, manners and behaviour - we represent Whitefield 24 hours a day!
We also welcome our new teachers Miss McNaughton (Y3) and Mr Huntington (Y4).
We had some lovely baby news at the end of the holidays. Some of you will remember Mrs Smith who taught in Y5 and Y3 and we were delighted to hear she gave birth to Sebastian Frederick Smith at the end of August. We hope she will visit us soon so we can meet him and get some pictures and hugs.
Talking of babies....our Whitefield playgroup will begin again on Friday 12th September from 2.00-3.15pm. The playgroup is for any children aged from birth to 4. Please come along and meet Tasha and Gill, who will be supporting the group on those afternoons. If you haven't been before, please call school to let us know you are coming and pop to the office for directions to the room on arrival.
Look out for year group newsletters next Thursday. These will tell you everything that is going on throughout this term.
Don't forget it's a free school meal for all children in Key Stage 1. (Years R 1 and 2). Even if you have a fussy eater, we are sure we can cater for them. There's a hot and cold option available everyday, with a good variety. Check out the menu here.
And now some dates for your diary for the next couple of weeks:
Monday 15th September, 3.30pm - 4pm - Meet the Classroom: this is an opportunity for your child to give you a tour of their new classroom environment and for you to put a face to the name of your child's classteacher.
Tuesday 16th September - Friday 19th September - Y6 bikeability: 6LN mornings; 6SW afternoons. A letter to all Y6 parents has been sent out today.
Tuesday 23rd September, 6pm - Friends of Whitefield meeting: our first meeting of the year to go over plans for the coming year and to meet new members, all welcome. Venue tbc.
Thursday 16th October, 7pm - It's back! The infamous FoW Quiz and Curry Night! Adults only. More details to follow closer to the date.
Friday 17th October, 2.30pm - SEAL assembly, Y4 and 5: all parents, grandparents and friends of children in Y4 and 5 welcome.
(The calendar of events for the year is available on the website along with the holiday dates for this academic year. Dates for 2015/16 will be published this term).