22 October 2014
It's definately heading towards winter in Penwortham isn't it? We have had the fire on at home and I went to Tesco to buy some slippers, just like the ones my mum wears, at the weekend!
As Milly is now permanantly attached to the Argos catalogue, I feel that Christmas is creeping up on us fast. We will be sending out our annual Christmas newsletter in the first week after half term with all the dates you need to know. Some dates already confirmed are below, however we are just awaiting information for the Year 3 Tudor event before we can put R-Y2 nativity dates in place. They will be in the week beginning 8th December.
Some news as we finish for half term - Ms Clough will not be with us on our return from the holidays. She is going to St Annes, as an Associate Headteacher to support a school who are without a Headteacher. We won't see her until at least January, and in the mean time her size 8 Doc Martin boots are being filled by our leadership team Assistant Headteachers Mrs Willers, Mrs Adams and Miss King. We know Ms Clough will be great in her new job and wish her lots of luck.
Another change for us in school is that Mrs Martin, our School Business Manager will be leaving us at Christmas. She has secured a new job at St Mary's High School in Leyland and is looking forward to new challenges. We will be advertising after the half term for a super man or super woman to take her place!
We have our parent meetings arranged for 19th and 20th November - a letter will be coming out in the first week after the half term for you to book your day and time.
I have had some lovely discussions with a few of you this week about my visit to Sweden. It was amazing to see how the schools in Sweden run and I was particularly interested in their environments and their teaching and learning approaches. I will tell you more throughout next term, and over the half term I hope to upload some photos to the website for you to see.
A note from Mrs Gallea:
The beginners guitarists have had their 6th lesson this week and are showing much improvement. The practice routines are paying off. Thank you to parents for your patience and encouragement. Miss Galea (Guitar Teacher).
Dates for your diary:
Book Fair - w/b Monday 10th November, 3.45 in the school hall
Anti-bullying week - w/b Monday 17th November
Parent meetings - Wednesday 19th Novermber (3.45-5.45) and Thursday 20th November (5-7)
Assessment week - w/b Monday 24th November
FoW Wrapping Night - Monday 24th November, from 3.45 till late
FoW Wear What You Want Day - Friday 28th November
FoW Secrets Room - Friday 5th December
Year 6 at URC on Liverpool Road for carol service - Wednesday 10th December, 6pm
Christmas lunch for children - Thursday 11th December
Y4/5 at St Marys Church for carol service - Monday 15th December
School closes for half term - Friday 19th December