25 February 2015
Welcome back to everyone after half term - and it's only four more weeks until Easter with so much to pack in to school! I was glad to be back on Monday; Milly's birthday lasted for 10 days and I think it would have been cheaper to go to Spain for a week than stay at home!
All the children looked super smart on Monday in their uniforms however we have noticed throughout last term that there are a number of children who do not have their PE kit uniform in school or have incorrect PE kit. A letter will be coming home soon with a reminder of kit expectations.
We had the Penwortham Gala information through in the half term. For parents new to school, this is a fantastic weekend showing the brilliant community that is Penwortham. On Saturday 13th June, there is a gala parade through Penwortham with floats and walking parties. We have struggled in the last couple of years to source a lorry - we need one of the big ones with curtains and lots of floor space. Does anyone have one (!) or have a contact who could get us one? If not a lorry, another fabulous type of vehicle - the last time we entered (and won!) we had a boat!! Please email if you would like to be part of the Gala production group - every time we have done the gala, it has been with very few volunteers organising such a massive event so more hands would be greatly appreciated and will be needed in order for us to take part this year.
We have had so much going on before the holidays and since our return. Please check out the website where you will find important dates for your diary for the coming term, news about our GOLD Behaviour Quality Mark award, Red Nose Day (in 'events') and pictures of our Lent assembly on Monday. Don't forget to look in 'events' as well as 'news'.
Talking of Lent, myself and Mrs Kimberley are supporting each other throughout this time although I may need more support than her! Mrs Kimberley has given up crisps; I have given up chocolate (Y6 children gasped when I told them). I am missing my sweet treat and yesterday satisfied my craving with haribos, however ended up biting my tongue rather badly so have given them up too! Maybe cake is the answer...Please let me know if you see me getting exceedingly grumpy - I am shocked at how difficult this has been but I am spurred on by the deal Mrs Kimberley and I have made. We are going to save up our money normally spent on crisps and chocolate and are going to make a contributuion to the Penwortham Food Bank. If anyone would like to join in with us, let me know.
I was delighted to hear this week that Natasha and John won the Rock FM wedding competition! Well done to them, and thanks to everyone who supported them through buying raffle tickets and making donations. It was a Whitefield raffle ticket that won the main prize so congratualtions to Mr and Mrs Edge.
Our talented children continue to amaze me in school. I saw Jenson Leadley and Darcey Allison in half term perform in Peter Pan at the Charter Theatre, and from 25th - 28th March Liam Weston and Charlie Nguyen are performing in Oliver! at Preston Playhouse. Don't we say 'break a leg' in the theatre?! Let me know if there is anything else we can advertise within school that involves your children.
Many thanks for all the extreme reading photos that are coming in! We have started a display in school and will be putting them on the website too.
And finally, our deputy headteacher, Suzanne Clough is doing such a great job over in St Annes that they are keeping her until July. Well done Ms Clough! We are continuing with our current arrangements with our assistant headteachers, Mrs Adams, Mrs Willers and Miss King as this is working really well for us.
You have received a number of emails this week containing messages and information - please ensure you have a read of them this weekend so you know what is going on in school.